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9th International Conference and Workshops on Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Africa, September 19-21,2017, Accra- Ghana
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Atelier de formation sur les aptitudes pédagogiques innovantes et axées sur les apprenants au 21è siècle, du 21 au 24 novembre à Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
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Small Grants for Theses and Dissertations- Call for Applications: Issued September 2017

Call for Applications: Small Grants for Post Graduate Theses & Dissertations (Issued September 15, 2017) Deadline: 29th September, 2017

English Version

The AAU is pleased to announce the 2017 session of its Small Grants for Theses and Dissertations Programme. In line with the Association’s aim of promoting the core functions of higher education institutions, the Small Grants Programme aims to facilitate timely completion of post graduate research.


  • Applicants should be post graduate students enrolled in AAU member institutions that are in good standing on payment of their annual subscriptions. Post graduate students who are lecturers in AAU member institutions, and female candidates are especially encouraged to apply.
  • Research topics should fall within any of the following broad themes:
    • Agriculture and Food Security
    • Conflict, Peace and Security
    • Environment and Climate
    • Health
    • Higher Education


  • Small grants research budgets are limited to USD3,500 for PhD students and USD2,000 for Masters students
  • Small grants budgets may not include indirect costs (e.g. accommodation, field trips outside the country where the research is being conducted,

Application Procedure:

Please note that applications submitted via email will not be considered

  • Applicants will be required to register and login afterwards, so they can access their applications and make necessary revisions until submission before the deadline
  • The form has been divided into four (4) sections. Applicants are required to save each section SEPARATELY by clicking on the “Apply Change” button at the bottom of the section.
  • Information relating to Personal Data, Project Description and Project Details will also be required
  • Under Project Details, applicants will have to paste the components of their proposals (research hypothesis, literature review, methodology, expected results, work plan and time table) in the appropriate spaces.
  • Applicants will also be required to attach a letter of institutional support to the online application.

Review Process and Criteria:

  • The review of the applications takes approximately 2 months after the deadline date.
  • Applications will be reviewed based on the following criteria:
    • Relevance (the extent to which the proposed research aligns with the selected theme and addresses African development issues);
    • Innovation (the extent to which the proposed activity suggests and explores creative and original approaches); and
    • Feasibility (whether the project is feasible in terms of the proposed methodology, work plan and budget)
  • Award of grants will be based on merit – i.e. on the strength of the application
  • Applicants will be notified on the status of their applications two months after the expiration of the deadline


FRENCH Version

APPEL À CANDIDATURE: Programme De  Petites Subventions Pour Les Mémoires Et Les Thèses (Publié le 15 Septembre, 2017), Date limite : 29 Septembre, 2017.

L’AUA à le plaisir d’annoncer la session 2017 de son programme de petites subventions pour les Mémoires Et Les Thèses de doctorats. En conformité avec l’objectif de l’AUA de promouvoir les fonctions fondamentales des institutions d’enseignement supérieurs, le programme de petites subventions pour les Mémoires et Thèses vise à faciliter la réalisation de thèses de doctorats à  temps opportuns.


Les candidats doivent être inscris dans un programme d’études supérieurs au niveau doctoral dans une institution membre de l‘AUA à jour sur le paiement de ses souscriptions annuelles. Les étudiants du troisième cycle qui sont professeurs dans nos institutions membres et les femmes candidats particulièrement, sont encouragés à postuler.  Les thèmes de recherche devraient entrer parmi les grands thèmes suivants:

  1. Agriculture et Sécurité Alimentaire
  2. Conflit, paix et sécurité
  3. Environnement et Climat
  4. Santé
  5. Enseignement Supérieur


  1. Les budgets de petites subventions sont limités à 3500 $ pour les étudiants au doctorat, et de 2000 $ pour les étudiants en Maitrise.
  2. Les budgets de petites subventions ne couvrent pas les frais indirects (ex. hébergement, les excursions scolaires en dehors du pays où la recherche s’est déroulées).

Procédure de candidature:

  1. Les candidatures doivent être soumises en ligne via ce lien: https://www.aau.org/subs/smgr/
  2. Les candidatures envoyées uniquement par courrier électronique ne seront pas considérées.
  3. Les candidats auront besoin d’un nom d’utilisateur et d’un mot de passe valides afin d’ouvrir un compte qui leur donnera accès à leur formulaire de demande de candidature afin d’effectuer d’éventuelles corrections avant la date limite.
  4. Le formulaire a été divisé en quatre sections. Les candidats doivent sauvegarder chaque section séparément en cliquant le bouton “Apply Change” au bas de la section.
  5. L’information liée aux données personnelles, description du projet, détails de projet seront requises.
  6. A la section ‘Détails de projet’, les candidats doivent coller les éléments de leurs propositions (hypothèse de recherche, analyse bibliographique, méthodologie, résultats prévus, programme de travail, et horaire) dans les espaces appropriés.
  7. Les candidats doivent aussi joindre une lettre de soutien institutionnel à la candidature en ligne.

Processus de révision et critères:

  1. La révision des candidatures prend environ 2 mois après le délai.
  2. La révision des candidatures sera basée sur les critères suivants:
  3. Pertinence (la mesure dans laquelle le projet de recherche est en conformité avec le thème sélectionné et comment il aborde les questions de développement en Afrique)
  4. Innovation (la mesure dans laquelle le projet de recherche suggère et explore les approches créatifs et originaux)
  5. Praticabilité (s’il est réalisable en termes de la méthodologie proposée, du programme de travail et du budget)

Les subventions seront accordées en fonction du mérite. C’est-à-dire la solidité de dossier du candidat. Les candidats seront informés sur l’état de leurs demandes deux mois après l’expiration du délai.



  1. Denyinye Minna Hitlar says:

    Thank you, AAU for this grant opportunity. On behalf of the prospective applicants, I sincerely appreciate the entire team of AAU for this grant.

  2. Akhigbe, Jeremiah. N. says:

    Thanks AAU for giving young scholars and researchers such great opportunity and privilege of funding their research. It a good approach at raising the quality of research in our higher institutions.

  3. Elohor says:

    This is commendable. Thanks AAU.

  4. A. E. Kayode says:

    Thanks AAU for this great opportunity. please there is an issue after i filled up the first section, the ‘save change’ did not save the rest of data information, it took me back to login page, and when i login again, those data filled must have gone. Please help out.

  5. David BADIKAYABO BABENE says:

    Merci AUA pour cette opportunité combien est bénéfique pour nous qui compte aller plus loin avec les études.

  6. Caroline Imani says:

    The field of nationality is limited. Congo DR is not mentioned. Are we eligible?

  7. charlesmogunde@gmail.com says:


  8. Adeniji Olawale says:

    I will like to appreciate and commend AAU for this great initiative. It will go a long way in helping reasearchers to achieve great strides that will change the world for the better.

    • aderinsola says:

      hi, Adeniyi, please have you be able to send your own application? since last week I was unable to submit mine via online platform.
      Please help me.

  9. Daniel Asilika says:

    Your efforts highly appreciated. However , my application refused to save as many other colleagues are complaining same Kindly help us to work on the Online Platform so that many Africans students will be able to benefit.

  10. daniel says:

    please how do you submit your own application?

  11. eden says:

    Are Ph.D. student from Ethiopia studying in middle east university elligible to apply?

  12. MAPTOUOM says:

    je n’arrive pas à avoir accès à la plate forme

  13. Gideon says:

    I do not know if you are able to login today. I cannot because they are saying applications have closed even before the deadline day of 29th September. This is surprising.
    Anyone who is able to login should please reply

  14. Bonface Joel Malala says:

    I am a beneficiary of the AAU grant last year at MSc. level but I have not completed my work since it involved buying Molecular reagents although done it half way. I kindly seek clarification if I still qualify to apply for the same grant 2017 and show evidence of my progress report.

    Thank you

  15. Linus John says:

    Thank you

  16. bamikole yemi says:

    Dear AAU, I was able to finish my registration on 30/9/2017 at 12:30am. Will my application still be considered? Thanks

  17. bamikole yemi says:

    Dear AAU, I was able to finish my application on 30/09/2017 at 12:30am. Please will my application be considered?

  18. Frank Asefuah says:

    Sorry Mercy,

    The deadline for the application has closed. You should have reached out to us sooner than the day of deadline. Our developer was available and assisting a large number of applicants.


  19. game says:

    Thank you for information.

  20. Bankole Olatunji Taofik says:

    … the vision is clear, the mission is humane although the resources to actualizing it all are limited… kudos to AAU. I am strongly convinced that the continent tertiary institutions, partucularly the universities will be positively completing with others across the globe in the nearest future. Long live AAU!

  21. Emmaculate asige says:

    Hi. Does anyone know how to check whether an application for the small grant was successful or not?

  22. Mezid says:

    could you notify the winners of 2017 small grant for PhD and MSc (MA) students?

  23. Abeba Nigussie Retta says:

    Dear Organizers of AAU small grants for graduate theses and dissertations 2017,

    I am writing to inquire about the status of my AAU small grants for graduate theses and dissertation application. My reference Id is AAU/SMG4913.
    Looking forward to hearing from you.

  24. Abeba Nigussie Retta says:

    Dear Organizers of AAU small grants for graduate theses and dissertations 2017

    I am writing to inquire about the status of my AAU small grants for graduate theses and dissertation application. My reference Id is AAU/SMG4913.
    Looking forward to hearing from you.

  25. Kelechi Odoemena says:

    Hi, I applied for the small grants in 2017 and submitted before the application deadline but I am yet to receive any mail on the status of the application. May I know why?

  26. Akeem says:

    Please house how do we confirm the status of our application for the 2017 aau small grant award for MSc and phd student. Yet to receive any notification base on the status of my application while most of my colleagues that applied have received notification rejection.

  27. Felicia Kuagbedzi says:

    Thank you for writing to us. We are not sure when the next call will be. Please keep checking this blog

  28. Christopher says:

    Please, I would like to know when will application for AAU small grant for MPHIL. be opened in this year 2018. Thank you.

  29. Adzika Vicent says:

    kindly give me details on the phd scholarship and research grants applications 2018 for health sciences

  30. Aderinsola kayode says:

    Thanks AAU for the opportunity and assistance for young researcher.
    I am at the last stage of my doctoral thesis (Data analysing and write up). I have not been granted any grants or scholarship since I began this program. I applied last year. Pls when will be 2018 application open and how can I be helped to be considered
    Thanks you

  31. Daniel says:

    Is it okay to share opportunities from AAU on educational blogs where I author posts?

    • Frank Asefuah says:

      Yes you may do so but you need to link them back to this site as well as reference the AAU in the blog

  32. Good day,
    i applied for the small grants in 2017 and i even submitted the application before the deadline but I am yet to receive any mail.

    Please i need any information that will be of help.

  33. Thanks please any information that will be of help to me should be foward to my mail

  34. Idongesit Okon says:

    Please when will the call for application for 2018 AAU small grant for Theses and Dissertations come out.


  35. Thanks a bunch for sharing this with all folks you really understand what you’re speaking about! Bookmarked.

  36. Jalane Urgesa says:

    Would you please specify date of application for “AAU small grant for Theses and Dissertations of 2018”?

  37. Baya Baynachew Bargissa says:

    I am wish to get this opportunity

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