Call for Volunteer Young Social Media Reporters
September 12, 2017
Small Grants for Theses and Dissertations- Call for Applications: Issued September 2017
September 15, 20179th International Conference and Workshops on Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Africa, September 19-21,2017, Accra- Ghana

The Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi)-Africa, African Quality Assurance Network (AfriQAN) and the Association of African Universities (AAU) Presents:
The 9th International Conference and Workshops on Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Africa
General Assembly of the African Quality Assurance Network (AfriQAN)
Symposium of Rectors, Vice-Chancellors and Presidents of Universities, September 18 – 22, 2017
Venue: AAU Headquarters, Accra
Conference Theme:
The objectives of the 9th ICQAHEA and Workshops are to:
1. Review recent developments/achievements in enhancing quality and promoting regional harmonization in Africa and beyond;
2. Promote awareness among the African higher education community of recent developments in enhancing quality assurance and accelerating regional harmonization under the Africa – EU partnership, including the continental strategy for Education for Africa 2015-2025 (CESA); the Harmonisation of African Higher Education Quality Assurance and accreditation (HAQAA) Initiative; Tuning and Erasmus +;
3. Provide a platform for discussing the role of quality assurance and harmonisation in higher education in attaining sustainable development goals in Africa;
4. Document best practices from other regions of the world on quality assurance and harmonization in higher education in attaining the SDGs and draw lessons for the African region;
5. foster the acquisition of skills in (a) the implementation of the revised Arusha Convention; (b) measurement and modelling of quality in higher education; (c) quality assurance of open and distance learning delivery systems; (d) strengthening effective implementation of LMD reforms; (f) setting up and running effective quality assurance units at the institutional level; and (g) Tuning and Credit Transfer.
1. Recent regional developments in enhancing quality and accelerating harmonisation: lessons from other region;
2. Regional Quality assurance an harmonization Initiatives in Africa : the continental strategy for Education for Africa 2015-2025 (CESA); the Harmonisation of African Higher Education Quality Assurance and accreditation (HAQAA) Initiative; Tuning and Erasmus +;
3. The role of quality assurance and harmonization in higher education institutions in attaining the SDGs in Africa and beyond;
4. The role of research and development and ICT in higher education institutions in attaining the SDGs
Expected outcomes
The following are the expected outcomes of the conference:
Participants would have deepened their understanding of the role of quality and harmoniation in higher education in attaining the SDGs I Africa;
Participants would have deepened their understanding of the role of research and development and ICT in attaining the SDGs;
Awareness of the African higher education community would have been raised to be change agents in the support of implementation of recent developments in regional harmonisation under the Africa-EU partnership;
Participants’ skills would have been strengthened and networking opportunities established to enable them to implement effectively quality assurance practices at the institutional, national and continental levels.
Documentation available on the role of quality assurance, harmonisation and research and development in higher education in attaining the SDGs would have been enriched and expanded; and
Communiqué reflecting the conclusions and action plan arising from the debates and deliberations of the conference.
Download the GENERAL INFORMATION and ANNOUNCEMENT BROCHURE documents further information
i am a PhD Student and I appreciate all your initiative in the field of youth education in africa
Thank you for information.
Thank you for information.