AAU holds Virtual Institutional Quality Assurance (QA) Workshop for Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) QA Directorate

The Association of African Universities (AAU) held a virtual workshop on quality assurance for the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT), South Africa, from the 16th to 18th November, 2020.
The workshop was facilitated by Dr. Violet Makuku, Quality Assurance Specialist at the AAU, and aimed to assist the university’s Quality Assurance Directorate to produce Quality Assurance standards for Multimodal learning. It was also targeted at building a strong quality culture in the institution and designing a robust Quality Management System (QMS). Important topics such as Quality indicators in Higher Education and the desired personality traits for QA personnel were also covered, among other things.
The nine participants from Tshwane University of Technology were advised to always conduct research whose data should be used to make informed decisions for the Quality Assurance Directorate and the institution at large. “Everything done on Quality Assurance should be based on research to come up with informed decisions”, Dr. Makuku remarked.
She defined Quality Assurance according to Matei and Iwinska (2016:19) as, the systematic internal and external management procedures and mechanisms by which a higher education institution assures its stakeholders of the quality of its systems, processes, products and outcomes and of its ability to manage the maintenance and enhancement of quality. She also added that tools/instruments, policies and practices should form a key part of a robust QMS. “Failure to ensure quality in higher and tertiary education can affect the brand of the institution and quality is everybody’s business but it starts with an individual,” She added.
Dr Makuku urged institutions in need of any form of institutional workshops in any area of interest to use the contact details below for communication. She also indicated that there were two upcoming workshops on Journal Establishment, Management and Sustainability (25/11/2020-17/12/2020) and Digital Marketing for Higher and Tertiary Education (24/11/2020-10/12/2020).
Kindly use the contact details below for inquiries and further communication: 1) Ms Pamela H. Boamah: adomboamah1@gmail.com +233 249644 795
2) Dr Violet Makuku: vmakuku@aau.org / +233 263 129 798
3) Ms Agnes Apedo: secgen@aau.org / +233 20815 2735 or +233 55349 5797
Article submitted by: By Pamela Boamah, AAU