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AAU TV African Union Day 2023 Commemoration Show – May 25, 2023

Theme; “Accelerating the Implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area

Register here – Meeting Registration – Zoom


As part of our collective reflection on Africa’s progress and the need to embrace our unity, the AAU TV commemorates African Union Day with the aim to honor Africa’s heroes who contributed to Africa’s unity as well as celebrate the achievements of African unity while fostering a deeper sense of solidarity among African nations and diaspora communities. The program seeks to reflect on the overall theme of the African Union for 2023 which is “Accelerating the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)”.

According to the United Nations (UN), Africa has the youngest population in the world, with 70% under the age of 30. This proportion presents a remarkable chance for the continent’s advancement. However, the majority of Africa’s youth are not empowered and included in decision-making.

AfCFTA offers enormous prospects for economic development and job creation, particularly for young people. Hence, leveraging the potential of the youth is crucial for the successful implementation of the AfCFTA. Moreover, enhancing youth inclusivity ensures that the perspectives of young people, their aspirations, and innovative ideas are integrated into the policy framework, leading to more relevant and effective outcomes and contributing to the closing of the young unemployment gap, which remains a key concern across Africa.

This two-hour and thirty-minute programme will emphasize the importance of youth inclusion in the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) as well as assess Africa’s progress in implementing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) remains Africa’s flagship project of Agenda 2063 aimed at creating a single African market for goods and services facilitated by free movement persons, capital, investment to deepen economic integration, promote and attain sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development, gender equality, industrialization, agricultural development, food security, and structural transformation.


  • To celebrate Africa’s lifelong achievement after the establishment of the Organization of African Unity
  • Reflect on the African Union theme on “Accelerating the Implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area”.
  • Highlight the impact of youth inclusivity in implementing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

Date: 25th May 2023

Venue: AAU TV Studios

Programme Outline:

Program Time
·                 Special Program Montage AAU TV Technical Crew    10:00 – 10:01
·                 Music Interlude AAU TV Technical Crew / Lydia Nyame 10:01 – 10:06
·                 AAU Anthem & AU Anthem AAU TV Technical Crew/ Jemima Deladem Dotsey 10:06 – 10:16
·                  Opening of Program Agyemang Okyere Darko (Presenter) 10:16 – 10:20
·                 Introduction by the Director –  ICT, Communications & Knowledge Management Ms. Nodumo Dhlamini 10:20 – 10:25
·                  Secretary General’s Goodwill message for AU Day Prof. Olusola Bandele Oyewole

(Secretary General, AAU)

10:25 – 10:30
·                 Flashback of AAHF 2022 AAU TV Technical Crew / Jemima Deladem Dotsey 10:30 – 10:35
·                Musical interlude AAU TV Technical Crew /  Lydia Nyame 10:35 – 10:40


·                  Discussion on the Role of African Youth in implementing AFCFTA.

(Host – Isabella Tetteh Ahinakwa)




Mr. Obed Owusu Asiedu

(Actg. President, GUNSA-UG Chapter)


Mr. Hayford Danso

(AAHF Ambassador 2022)





10:40 – 11:10

·                 Music Interlude AAU TV Technical Crew / Lydia Nyame 11:10 – 11:15
·                 Vox Pop AAU TV Technical Crew / Jemima Deladem Dotsey 11:15 – 11:20
·                  Documentary & Discussions on  Accelerating the Implementation of AfCFTA; Fixing the Missing Pieces

(Hosted by Agyemang Okyere Darko)


Mr. Yaw Louis Afful

(Executive Director, AfCFTA Policy Network)


Mr. Eric Nana Agyemang

(Youth Activist)




11:20 – 12:00


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