Vacancy – Vice Chancellor Position, Kumasi Technical University, Ghana
March 25, 2019AAU/Stellenbosch University Capacity Building Workshop for University Registrars and Administrators
April 11, 2019AAU Workshop: Excellent People Management – key to the success of 21st century Africa Higher Education Institutions
May 22nd – 24th, 2019,
AAU Secretariat, Accra, Ghana
Higher Education Institutions continue to face increasing levels of complexity. Perhaps we, as HEIs, have reached that stage where we should, as Peter Drucker so eloquently puts it, ‘reduce complexity to manageable simplicity’.
In dealing with this increasing complexity, there is one reality that we will have to understand.
Universities, by their very design are people activity systems. Our first and foremost challenge is to attract and retain the right people; people who embrace change; people who take co- ownership of the university’s ongoing transformational journey.
This has immense challenges for People Management in Africa HEI’s. We are faced by so many challenging people issues, that it is easy and understandable that some HEI leaders view some of the people issues as insurmountable.
This is exactly what this important workshop sets out to achieve. To, in an interactive manner, identify and articulate the key environmental driving forces; to identify and articulate the important people issues; to empower participants with appropriate People Management principle and ‘tools’; and to support the effectiveness as well as efficiency of People Management at individual HEI’s.
Colleagues, this workshop should not be missed. The topic of sound People Management is so important – this is a rare opportunity to optimize People Management at our respective HEI’s!
Come and join us at the workshop. Come and share your people management challenges and approaches; and, let us jointly explore best practices to deal with this important issue.
Looking forward to your HEI’s important participation in this groundbreaking Workshop.
General information
Target audience
The target audience for the workshop includes:
- Vice Chancellors, Rectors, Presidents, Provosts, DVC’s, Registrars, Heads of Departments, Chief Financial Officers, Chief Human Resources, Chief Protocol Officers of Africa HEI’s, – with the expectation that they should during the workshop articulate their needs in terms of the value adding services to the growth of Universities in Africa
Programme fees
US $ 300 per participant
This includes all programme material, refreshments (tea/coffee and lunches) as well as formal functions which are offered as part of the programme. It excludes traveling and accommodation.
Participants are responsible for their own travelling arrangements as well as for the cost of accommodation for the duration of the programme.
How to apply to attend the workshop
Complete the online application form from here:
The workshop details are as follows:
DATES: 22nd to 24th May 2019 (Arrival – Tuesday, 21st May departure, Saturday 25th May 2019).
COSTS: Inclusive of morning/afternoon refreshments, lunch, as well as all workshop materials:
ACCOMMODATION: Participants will stay at a special rate of $60 that has been negotiated for workshop participants at Ampoma Hotel East Legon. Accommodation and related costs are to be borne by each participant
- Workshop Registration:
- Hotel Reservation: For reservations you can contact the following:
- E-mail:
Kindly copy all hotel reservations to Mrs Yvette Quashie
Participants should kindly contact Yvette Quashie for any enquiries and assistance
SHUTTLE SERVICE: There is free shuttle from the airport to the hotel.