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Ashesi University to host African University Day 2015 Celebrations

The Association of African Universities has partnered with Ashesi University to organise the celebrations that will recognise the African University Day this year. The African University Day will be celebrated on the 12th November 2015 at the Ashesi University campus in Berekuso, Ghana. The theme for the 2015 celebrations is “Internationalisation of Higher Education”.

Since 2000, the AAU Secretariat and the Vice Chancellors, Ghana Secretariat (VCG), have jointly organized events to commemorate the day in Ghana. The events have been in the form of exhibitions and lectures to discuss the selected theme for the year. The objectives of the African University Day Celebrations are to (1) create awareness on the importance of higher education in Africa, (2) promote dialogue on how to improve higher education in Africa and (3) celebrate the success stories of higher education in Africa

  1. View the Call for Young Volunteer Social Media Reporters to support the 2015 African University Day Campaign online
  2. View this post calling on all universities in Africa to recognise the African University Day in 2015
  3. Please read more about Ashesi University

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Call for Volunteer Young Social Media Reporters: AU Day 2015
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Call for Volunteer Young Social Media Reporters: AU Day 2015
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