2022 Africa Universities Day Celebrations to Focus on Bringing Equity to Research and Publishing Through Open Science
September 2, 2022
The Association of African Universities participates in a stakeholder engagement forum to strengthen data collection and management in African higher education for evidence-based policy making
September 8, 2022Call for Co-Hosting by the Association of African Universities – 2023 Conference of Rectors, Vice-Chancellors and Presidents of African Universities

The AAU will hold its Conference of Rectors, Vice-Chancellors, and Presidents of African Universities (COREVIP) in July 2023. The COREVIP is an assembly of the Chief Executive Officers of AAU member institutions or their representatives. It is held once every two years with the purpose of:
- collectively examining themes identified as common concerns and priorities for the development of higher education in member institutions and Africa in general,
- making recommendations primarily to members, as well as to the Governing Board of the Association, and to the Secretariat, and
- acting as a mid-term forum for taking stock of the implementation of the decisions of the previous AAU General Conference and recommending corrective actions.
The main theme for COREVIP 2023 is Advancing Excellence in African Higher Education. Supporting this main theme are the following sub-themes:
- Doctoral education
- Institutional differentiation
- Partnership/cooperation and internationalization
- University-industry linkages
- Role of intellectual diaspora
The overall concept note for the Conference can be accessed from this link: COREVIP 2023 Concept Note __ The AAU’s statutory Conferences such as the COREVIP are normally jointly organized with a member institution in good standing (not owing more than two years in subscription arrears). In light of this, the AAU invites applications from its member institutions in good standing for the co-hosting of this prestigious biennial Conference.
The Host’s Responsibilities
The host university will be expected to contribute to the organization of the Conference, financially or in kind, in the areas of:
- Local transportation for participants.
- Airport “meet and greet” (reception and facilitation of immigration procedures).
- Traditional items as gifts to presenters and sessional chairs.
- Welcome Reception or Dinner for participants.
- Publicity and media coverage (local press, radio, social media and TV, conference photographer).
- Arrangement of courtesy calls by the Governing Board on appropriate government authorities in the host country.
- Arranging excursion visits by delegates – to be funded by the delegates.
- Providing the Secretariat for the Conference (equipment and supplies).
- Decorations, banners, and invitations to Opening/Closing Ceremony and receptions.
- Cultural display during open and closing ceremonies.
It should be noted that the co-hosting of this most important event in the calendar of the African higher education community provides very high-level visibility and exposure to the host institution and country because of the calibre and number of academic leaders, policymakers, researchers, development partners, and other stakeholders that usually attend it, and it is, therefore, a highly sought-after event.
Institutions interested in co-hosting the 2023 COREVIP, should contact the Secretary General at their earliest convenience.
Applications to host the conference should be addressed to:
The Secretary-General
Association of African Universities (AAU)
Accra, GHANA.
Email: secgen@aau.org and copy ransford@aau.org
The deadline for the receipt of the official application to host the 2023 COREVIP is Friday, 25 November 2022.
While thanking you in anticipation of your positive and expeditious response, please accept the assurances of my highest esteem.
Yours in the service of higher education in Africa,
Professor Olusola Bandele Oyewole