West African Centre for Cell Biology of Infectious Pathogens DELTAS PhD Fellowships
December 22, 2015
NOUN confirmed Olugbemiro Jegede as Professor Emeritus, and graduates 10,653
January 21, 2016
West African Centre for Cell Biology of Infectious Pathogens DELTAS PhD Fellowships
December 22, 2015
NOUN confirmed Olugbemiro Jegede as Professor Emeritus, and graduates 10,653
January 21, 2016
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Call for Host Institution – Training Workshop on Facilitating University-Industry Linkages

Under the aegis of its flagship Leadership Development (LEDEV) and Management Development (MADEV) workshop series which aim to enhance the skills of university staff in the promotion of innovation and the management of change, the Association of African Universities (AAU) is proud to announce a Call for Host for its maiden Training Workshop on Facilitating University-Industry Linkages.

The workshop will be facilitated in English.


The main thrust of the workshop is promoting university advancement through intensive participant interaction over carefully selected cases and other materials, and lead lectures by eminent Resource Persons on the following:

  • Technology Uptake
  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • Entrepreneurship


The workshop will be open to all faculty of higher education institutions but preference will be given to persons holding the positions listed below, in universities and equivalent institutions:

  •  Vice-Chancellor/Rector/President or their Deputies
  • Dean/Director of Institutes
  • International Liaison Officers
  • Public Relations Officers
  • Heads of University Counselling Units

Host Institution’s Responsibilities

  1. Identification of a hotel with a reasonable rate and arranging accommodation (40 rooms), and meeting rooms (one plenary and two break-out rooms) to be paid for by AAU and participants;
  2. Provide airport pick-up and local transportation;
  3. Make arrangements for entry visas for participants unable to get them at their home countries;
  4. Suggest possible social events for inclusion in the workshop programme; and
  5. Provide a mini-Secretariat during the workshop: one Secretary, computer, printer and photocopier.
  6. Give a welcoming Reception/Cocktails for participants
  7. Invite media to cover the Opening Ceremony

Benefits of Hosting

  1. Publicity given to the Host Institution in the AAU media, and among participants during the workshop
  2. Registration waiver for up to 3 participants from the Host Institution
  3. Opportunity to spearhead the formation of a network of experts on U-I linkages among workshop participants

Letters of Intent should be addressed to:
The Secretary-General
Association of African Universities
African Universities House, Aviation Road Extension
Airport Residential Area, P.O. Box AN 5744
Accra-North, GHANA.
Tel: 233302 774495/761588        Fax: 233 302774821
E-mail: secgen@aau.org               cc: ransford@aau.org

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