Press Release – Africa Higher Education Centres of Excellence for Development Impact (ACE Impact) to Reward Quality, Applied Research and Innovation
September 16, 2022
Request for Expression of Interest – Industry Liaison Officer
September 19, 2022Call for Participation – Workshop on Advocacy and Capacity Building in Open Access (OA) and Open Science (OS)

The Association of African Universities is inviting its stakeholders to a workshop on Advocacy and Capacity Building in Open Access (OA) and Open Science (OS) to top management staff (Vice-Chancellors, Presidents and Rectors and Deputy Vice Chancellors Directors of Research and Library Services of AAU member Institutions).
This workshop is aimed at improving the capacity of participants towards creating and Implementing Open Access and Open Science policies and mandates in the respective AAU member institutions.
It is planned for 26th-27th October in Cairo, Egypt and will adopt a blended workshop format, running from 9am to 2pm EAT each day. The host for this event is the British University of Egypt (BUE).
As defined by the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science, Open Science is a movement aiming to make science more open, accessible, efficient, democratic and transparent. The transition to Open Science allows scientific information, data and outputs to be more widely accessible (Open Access) and more reliably harnessed (Open Data) with the active engagement of all relevant stakeholders (Open to Society).
The Open Access/Open Science workshops targeting the research leadership in AAU member regions and universities is holding with the objective of creating awareness and education on the importance and best practice of Open Access/Open Science. The desired outcome is engagement and buy-in by the academic community on the adoption of Open Science.
TCC Africa and PLOS are the supporting partners in this initiative.
• Effective adoption of Open Science and Open Access practice among members
• Increased education and awareness on Open Science and Open Access in the AAU member academic community
Objectives of the workshop
• To advocate for institutions to embrace open science and open access in the respective member academic communities
• To understand the current developments on open science, challenges faced in their respective academic communities and opportunities on open science and open access
• To reduce the push back on the adoption of Open Science and Open Access by early career researchers.
• To create awareness on how Open Science aids in higher education institutions competitiveness
The meeting is free to attend. Participants are responsible for their accommodation and/or transportation for the two days.
The registration link is https://tinyurl.com/mr2ana33
Internal Logistics
Participants are encouraged to visit this Egyptian Accommodation Logistics link https://tinyurl.com/ycyfuj9n to book their accommodation. The BUE as the host institution, will provide transportation from the hotel to BUE for the 2-day event.
Participants opting to join online are to register via this link