CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: TWAS-ROSSA Regional Young Scientists’ Prize 2016: Protection & Promotion of Human Rights
September 2, 2016
Séminaire de formation sur les médias sociaux à l’intention des universités francophones
September 19, 2016Concept Paper for the Second Webinar on 15th September 2016 – The role of women in fighting climate change

Climate change is a call for concern the world over, but its impact is translated differently with a negative balance on the “wretched of the earth”. Women constitute part of the bulk of this category of persons. Women from emerging countries, especially ‘Black women’ are alienated from decision-making and resource management processes. This can be attributed to a multiplicity of factors which can be grouped into political, economic and socio-cultural. A vast majority of these women do not enjoy recognition in spite of their reproductive, productive and community roles; tasks which many consider ‘inferior’ and valueless, but very instrumental to the sustenance of their households. These triple roles have a significant string to poverty; which skate the women as agents and victims of climate change as well as indispensable actors of environmental protection. As a result, mainstreaming gender in policies, strategies, and techniques in this battle is a venture worth implementing for better outcomes.
Previous research reveals that women, especially third world women have been identified as victims of climate change and also actors of environmental protection (UNEP, 2008; Alam, Bhatia, and Mawby, 2015), but inadequate data exist on the role of women as agents of environmental degradation. This webinar therefore is not limited to the upshot of climate change on women and their task of nurturing nature, but also identifies women as major contributors to climate change. With this in mind, it is certain that a proper analysis of the issues affecting climate change will lead to a better understanding of environmental protection. Enger and Smith (1998), believe that the most efficient manager of waste is the waste generator. This assertion holds true in this context.
Over the years, our climate has been changing and is rapidly changing with disruptive impact, such as rising sea levels; melting snow and ice; more extreme heat events, fires and drought; and more extreme storms, desertification, rainfalls, and floods. This change can be attributed to natural as well as anthropogenic causes. Since so many systems are tied to climate, a change in climate can affect many related aspects of where and how people, plants, and animals live, such as food production, availability and use of water, and health risks. For example, a change in the usual timing of rains or temperatures can affect plants on when to bloom and set fruit, when insects hatch or when streams are at their fullest. This can affect the pollination of crops, food for migrating birds, spawning of fish, water supplies for drinking and irrigation, forest health, and more. This climatic change is more visible in the Third World Countries whose economies depend on agriculture, fishery, and animal husbandry. As a result, Third World Women have been acknowledged as the backbone of their economy through their triple roles. These women through their reproductive, productive and community works are agents and victims of climate change as well as indispensable actors in the fight against climate change.
It is in this light that the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) through its Working Group on Higher Education (WGHE) – hosted by the Association of African Universities (AAU) – has developed an interactive web seminar to highlight the significant roles of women in fighting against climate change and its relevance on Higher Education on the continent.
The main objectives of the WGHE Webinar on the role of women in fighting against climate change are:
- Describe women’s relationship with nature.
- Examine their roles in environmental degradation.
- Probe the extent to which women are affected by climate change.
- Identify women’s contribution to climate change management.
- Propose recommendations for gender mainstreaming to enhance efficiency.
- Identify women’s roles in environmental protection.
Expected outcomes
The expected outcomes of the webinar are:
- Established relationship between women and the environment.
- Women identified as indispensable actors in the fight against climate change.
The deliverables of the WGHE webinar are:
- Presentation on the roles of women in the fight against climate change.
- Interaction with various stakeholders on the presentation.
- Documented lessons from the presentation as well as questions and answer (Q/A) session.
Date: Thursday, 15th September, 2016
Time: 12:00 GMT
Venue: Conference Hall, AAU Office, Airport Residential Area, Accra, Ghana.
Organizers: This Webinar is organized by the Association for Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) through its Working Group on Higher Education (WGHE), hosted by the Association of African Universities (AAU) and powered by TEDx Accra, Ghana.
Target Audience: The Webinars are open to all – most especially , affiliated member universities under AAU and development cooperation partners, the African Union, Environmental protection agencies, scholars, students, youth and women’s organizations, private sector, Environmental/ Eco policy makers, government officials and others.
- Register at
- Webinar will be live streamed on the same link.
- Live Tweeting and Event Hashtag
Join the conversation following #WGHETalks and share your comments and questions.
- Follow our webinar via our social media channels:
Webinar Official Twitter handle – @TEDxAccraGH
For any further information, please contact the following numbers for assistance: +233-302-774495/ 715588, +233-24329844 or email us at or
Dr. Elisabeth N. Mimiafo epse Ayuk-Etang
Dr. Elisabeth N. Mimiafo epse Ayuk-Etang is a gender advocate and a Senior Lecturer in the Department of English at the University of Buea, Cameroon. She holds a PhD. in Black Women’s Writings and Ecofeminism from the University of Yaounde 1, Cameroon. She is a recipient of several awards, among which is the University of Michigan African Presidential Scholar (UMAPS), 2015 fellowship.