University Advancement Workshop: African HEI’s in an Age of Discontinuity
January 16, 2017
Small Grant for Graduate Internships Call by AAU
(Excellence in Leadership, Management and Administration)
Vacancy for Rector
The position of Rector is currently vacant and the Council of the Institute hereby invites applications from suitably qualied applicants.
The Institute
The Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) was founded in 1961 as a training centre and established as a public tertiary institution by an Act of Parliament (Act 676) in 2004.
GIMPA is a self-nancing public tertiary institution which has a mission to build quality human capital through innovative education and training in the elds of leadership, management, public service, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Law.
GIMPA has a student population of about ten thousand (10,000) and employees numbering approximately six hundred (600) made up of academic, senior administrative and professional staff as well as middle and junior level support staff.
The Position
The Rector is:
- the principal academic and administrative head and the Chief Executive Ofcer (CEO) of the Institute, and is accountable to the
GIMPA Council, - responsible for the promotion of higher education and research and the provision of academic and administrative leadership. He/She should be capable of meeting challenges faced by a self-nancing public tertiary institution,
- responsible for setting and implementing the agenda reected by the Institute’s broad strategic plans; initiating new directions in the academic development and training services of the Institute,
- responsible for the management of the budget and resources of the Institute within the approved estimates,
- responsible for providing the Council with returns, reports and other relevant information that it may require,
- the Chief Disciplinary Ofcer of the Institute and has authority over all employees and students of the Institute while protecting the
integrity of the Institute’s processes as provided for in the GIMPA Act, - the public face of the Institute and represents the Institute to the outside world, speaking for GIMPA in and outside Ghana.
The Rector shall advise the Council on matters affecting policy, nance, governance and administration of the Institute and shall be bound by directions of the Council.
The Person
- must be of unblemished character and have a high degree of personal integrity,
- must be a distinguished scholar of international repute, or experienced practitioner in public service or industry who can
inspire, direct and motivate employees in the drive to become a world class research intensive institute dedicated to the training of competent leaders, managers and administrators, - must have considerable managerial and administrative experience in higher education, industry or public service,
- must display creativity, innovation and be commercially astute,
- must have good entrepreneurial drive and the ability to manage large resources efciently, to achieve set goals,
- must have good fundraising capabilities and ability to mobilise other resources for the development of the Institute,
- must have mature and sober judgement,
- must have the ability to lead an experienced and competent team,
- must possess excellent inter-personal and communication skills and be a team player,
- must be committed to leveraging ICT in the delivery of the Institute’s programmes and services,
This is a full time appointment and the candidate must be able to complete a four-year term by age 60.
Terms of Appointment
To be determined by Council consistent with the Institute’s Act and Statutes. Salary and fringe benets attached to the post are very attractive.
Candidates are to submit an application letter to which should be attached the following:
i. Curriculum Vitae, including names and addresses of three (3) referees who can attest to the qualities sought, one of whom must be from the last or current place of employment.
ii. A vision statement of not more than four (4) pages
All referees should be requested to send their independent reports to the Chairman of the Search Committee with full details of the applicant not later than the closing date of this advertisement.
Interested candidates are required to submit one (1) copy of their application letters, vision statement, curriculum vitae and copies of other relevant supporting documents under registered cover marked ‘CONFIDENTIAL’ to reach the following address not later than Friday, February 10, 2017:
The Chairman
Search Committee for Rector
c/o National Council for Tertiary Education (NCTE)
P. O. Box MB 28
Personally deliver to Room 301 on the third oor of the NCTE Block
No. 3 Lagos Avenue, East Legon
(Adjacent Chartered Institute of Bankers)
Additionally, an electronic version should be forwarded to:
It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure the application reaches the addresses, by the due date.
Only shortlisted candidates shall be contacted.