Request for Expression of Interest (Consulting Services – Firm Selection)
December 14, 2021
Proposal for External Evaluation (EE) of the Science Granting Council Initiative in sub-Saharan Africa (SGCI)
January 10, 2022Greetings from the Secretariat of the Association of African Universities.
On behalf of the Association, I am pleased to invite your institution to submit your Institutional Repository for evaluation and inclusion into the AAU DATAD-R (Database of African Theses and Dissertation including Research) platform. DATAD-R is currently
- reviewing the institutions listed. Institution not meeting the standards will be given time to measure or de-listed and
- receiving new applications from institutions that want to be listed on the platform
The DATAD-R platform is set up to help increase visibility and improve access to research emanating from African Higher Education Institutions. Such institutions seeking to improve their research visibility and enhance their outreach are invited to respond to the questionnaire at the link below http://tiny.cc/DATAD-revApp
After completion the DATAD-R Program Officer will contact the institution for the next steps. Institutions can do a self-evaluation using the tools here https://bit.ly/3yxdM34 before they apply for an evaluation and for inclusion.
The Database of African Theses and Dissertations-Research (DATAD-R) is a program to improve management and access to African scholarly work especially from Theses and dissertations which represent a significant proportion of Africa’s research activity.
In Africa particularly, Theses and Dissertations are an under-utilized information resource. By their very nature, their production in very limited and the only copy available for public access is usually in print and can only be consulted physically in a university library.
DATAD -R Objectives are
- Working with participating institutions to build a regional database of theses and dissertations.
- Contributing towards the creation of an environment conducive for research and publication in African universities and the region as a whole.
- Creating capacity in African universities for the collection, management and dissemination of theses/dissertations and faculty research electronically and make them openly accessible online.
- Enhancing visibility and improving accessibility to the work of African scholars both within and outside of the continent
- Facilitating the development of relevant copyright procedures and regulations which will promote the protection of the intellectual property rights of African University researchers and scholars………..Read more