Join the Women in Higher Education Network (WoHEN) to Celebrate the 2022 International Women’s Day
February 28, 2022
Quality Assurance in Higher and Tertiary Education: Online Teaching and Learning in the Post COVID-19 Era | 24th-26th May , 2022
March 1, 2022Invitation to participate in Episode three of THE COVID-19 DIARY: Vaccines, Variants and Herd Immunity

This episode of The COVID-19 Diary presents insights into vaccine development, variants of COVID-19 and herd immunity. The intension is to equip science journalists with more insights into how vaccines are a critical and essential part in the fight to flatten the curve and ultimately halt the spread of the virus.
The goal of this webinar is to assemble the experts (scientists, researchers, science journalists, academics, etc.) to throw more light on vaccines and their critical role in contribution to herd immunity within a population.
Stakeholders are invited to participate as follows:
Date: 14th March, 2022
Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYoce2urD8iE9xqOvv3GALVIW4t1Sxg8n9q
Time: 12:00pm Universal Time (UTC)
Please Download the Concept Note for further details – https://blog.aau.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/episode-3..COVID-19-Diary.pdf
For more information on participation as a speaker or a participant, please email us on ;
Isabella Tetteh Ahinakwa – Itahinakwa@aau.org
Agyemang Okyere Darko – aodarko@aau.org
AAU TV- aautv@aau.org