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Take the Course titled – Introduction to Public Policy Making and Analysis
March 16, 2023
Universal Acceptance (UA) Day Celebrations – Tuesday March 28, 2023
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Invitation to Participate in the InfoPoint Hybrid Conference- Advancing African Continental Integration in Higher education: building trust through better quality- Monday 20 March 2023- 15:00CET- 16:30 CET

The AAU cordially invites stakeholders to participate in the InfoPoint Hybrid Conference under the theme, “Advancing African Continental Integration in Higher education: building trust through better quality”.

This webinar intends to showcase the results of the Harmonisation, Accreditation and Quality Assurance in African Higher Education (HAQAA) initiative achieved up to date and stimulate a discussion with EU Delegations, services and interested parties around the impacts of the initiative, specifically as they relate to the higher education sector and how it underpins development and objectives in other sectors (research and innovation, skills, employment, sustainability, etc).

The HAQAA initiative was conceived in 2014 as a European Union cooperation project with Africa based on the idea that “Higher education” has a particularly important role to play in enhancing citizenship and democratic values as well as providing a country with skilled workers, managers, and administrators that will foster sustainable development and encourage the trade and investment needed.

Please find the webinar details below:

DATE: Monday 20 March 2023

TIME:   14:00 GMT| 15:00 CET|

REGISTRATION LINK: https://scic.ec.europa.eu/ew/register/dgintpa/INTPAinfopointconference20Marchwebex/e/lk/k/

To register, kindly create an account and complete registration via the authentication email to be sent to your email address used during the account creation.

Speakers of the event include;

  • Deirdre Lennan, Head of Human Development Sector, INTPA A2 – Regional and Multi-Country Programmes for Africa
  • Claire Herrmann, Policy Officer, International Cooperation, DG EAC
  • Elizabeth Colucci, Director of Global Projects, OBREAL Global (HAQAA2 Coordinator)
  • Olusola Oyewole, Secretary General, Association of African Universities (AAU)
  • Maria Luisa Chicote, President, National Council for Quality Evaluation of Higher Education, CNAQ, Mozambique
  • Fatoumata Keita, Professor, English Department, Université des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines de Bamako/Focal point quality assurance, Mali.

The conference will be in both English and French languages.

Looking forward to your participation.

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