Call to Celebrate the African University Day
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Call to Celebrate the African University Day
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EOI: Consultancy to undertake Independent Verification of Disbursement Linked Indicators and Results
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Member University in Focus – Mansoura University, Egypt, Northern Africa

Mansoura University

Did you know? 
-Mansoura University was founded in 1972 in Mansoura city, Egypt.  It is one of the biggest Egyptian universities and has contributed much to the cultural and scientific life in Mansoura and Egypt.

-Mansoura University has signed a contract to open a new open Learning Center in Beirut

-The President of Mansoura University announced the launching of an Organ Transplantation institution by the university

-The University organized a workshop on the Economic and Environmental Effects of the Suez Canal Project


Mansoura University seeks to:

  • Occupy the leadership and the forefront among the top three accredited Egyptian and Arab universities.
  • Be one of the top three hundred eminent international Universities which provide an adequate environment for Teaching, Learning, and research according to the international quality standards.
  • Have the leadership and Excellence in providing expert professional and technical services for all fields in the regional and national community


  • Mansoura University is an independent governmental institution that aims at achieving quality and excellence in Education, research, and community services to be one of the top Egyptian and Arab universities. That will be achieved through several paths, including:
  • Promoting student personality to make him/her capable of invention, challenging, self-learning, teamwork, and national and international competition.
  • Updating and developing academic programs in the light of modern international trends according to international standards with respect to national conditions. As well as, paying great attention to Continuous Education, E-learning, Distance Learning Technology, and open Learning.
  • Developing Staff member’s performance as experts in education and modern learning technology in different research aspects.

President: Prof. Mohammed Kenawy

Address: 60, El Gomhoria Street, Mansoura 35516, Egypt


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