68 results found for: scholarship

VACANCY: RSIF Project Administrator

The Association of African Universities (AAU) is looking for a talented, committed and energetic professional to serve as Project Administrator for the Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (RSIF), a new, fast growing initiative that is in its first year of operations.

Basic Higher Education Teaching Skills

Basic Higher Education Teaching Skills Training Workshop

The Association of African Universities (AAU) will be holding a short-term 4-day intensive training course on Basic Higher Education Teaching Skills to equip lecturers with the foundations for effective teaching at tertiary level through content on Educational Psychology, Educational Philosophy and Educational Sociology, Bloom’s Taxonomy, Teaching using ICTs, Quality Assurance in tertiary Education as well as Assessment and Evaluation. University teaching personnel regardless of their areas of specialization are therefore invited to attend the course. The training will be held from Monday the 30th to Thursday the 2nd of February, 2017 from 8:30am to 4: 30pm at a place in Kumasi, Ghana.


Basic Higher Education Teaching Skills Workshop Lagos, Nigeria

The AAU is providing the short intensive training course on basic university teaching skills to equip lecturers with the foundations for effective teaching at tertiary level through content on Educational Psychology, Educational Philosophy and Educational Sociology, Bloom’s Taxonomy, ICTs & Instruction, Quality Assurance in Tertiary Education as well as Assessment and Evaluation.