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Promoting Open Science in Africa

Invitation to attend the Open Science Workshop in Dakar, Senegal (15th March 2016)

In collaboration with WACREN (West and Central African Research and Education Network),  the Association of African Universities would like to invite you to attend the second joint Sci-GaIATANDEMMAGIC workshop organised with the support of the European Commission (EC, DG CONNECT) and in conjunction with the WACREN 2016 Conference.

Why You Must Attend This Workshop

  1. The workshop presents the opportunity to engage with leading African Scientists. The recent advances in Open Science services that have been developed for African Scientific Communities of Practice will be demonstrated.
  2. You will have the opportunity to see how e-Infrastructures – such as computing, data and networking infrastructures – as well Science Gateways, Identity Federations, Open Access Data and Document Repositories can be integrated into easy-to-use platforms to support Open Science.
  3. You will learn about  “Uniqueness and Persistence” services such as those provided by DataCite and ORCID and the role that they play in improving research impact and visibility.
  4. You will be part of discussions about the key roles that other international cooperation projects are contributing to Open Science.
  5. The highly interactive workshop will provide you with opportunities to share about your research projects and the challenges.
  6. You will enjoy the networking opportunity with experts involved in the WACREN e-Infrastructure projects for African research.

When is this event?
The event will be held on Tuesday 15th March 2016 at the Novotel Hotel in Dakar, Senegal.

How to Register for the event
The event is FREE but registration is required as part of the conference at

How Much are the WACREN Conference Registration Fees?

Make sure you don’t miss out, register and save the event in your calendar.

1 Comment

  1. kareemun says:

    Thank you for the information.

    On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 4:45 PM, AAU Blog wrote:

    > aaublog67 posted: “Invitation to attend the Open Science Workshop in > Dakar, Senegal (15th March 2016) In collaboration with WACREN (West and > Central African Research and Education Network), the Association of > African Universities would like to invite you to attend the sec” >

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