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Quality Assurance workshop on Innovative & Quality Research Methods & Skills for the 21st Century

Ho Technical University (HTU), Ho, Volta Region, Ghana| 16th -19th July, 2019

THEME: Retooling Research, Grant Writing, Paper for Publication, Patenting, Communication & Supervision Skills for Africa’s Socio-economic Development in the 21st Century

Aim of the workshop

The workshop encourages the sharing of knowledge and skills related to quality, relevant and contemporary research in higher education (HE) so as to update and upgrade participants’ knowledge and skills to both the old and new modes of research. Sharing experiences in students’ research methods teaching/learning, supervision and marking. It also aims to give insights on how University-Industry Linkages can be enhanced through research and is also meant to improve the Grant winning Proposals writing skills and enhance competencies of article reviewers and quality of publications by lecturers. It again deals with contemporary and up-coming data collection and analysis tools, pay attention to applied research and issues surrounding it as well as effective communication of research results. The key issue of copyrights and patents will also be covered in order to build confidence in universities of their capabilities to get 3rd stream income from copyrights and patents.

Download the Concept Note Here-

Objectives of the workshop

  • Share knowledge on the important endowments and characteristics of a good research
  • Equip participants with the background knowledge and skills that inform better quality research practices
  • Share knowledge and skills of the diverse ways of research using various Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
  • equip participants with generic writing techniques,
  • help to improve grant call and ordinary research proposal writing skills,
  • impart knowledge on general and specific expectations of reviewers (in case of publications),
  • upgrade knowledge and skills needed to assist & supervise students’ research projects well,
  • upgrade knowledge and skills needed to properly mark students’ research projects/dissertations and theses.
  • Share knowledge on copyrights and patents
  • Share knowledge and skills on paper reviewing and preparing good papers for publication as well as selection of journals.

Target Audience

Broad categories include civil society, industry, academia and government. Some of the specific categories include:

  • University lecturers
  • Polytechnics lecturers
  • College lecturers
  • Quality Assurance personnel in Higher Education Institutions, Colleges and Polytechnics
  • Personnel in Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and International organizations
  • Students in Higher & Tertiary Education
  • Any person who requires capacity building in his/her research skills
  • Departmental Chairpersons
  • Deans
  • Directors of Academic services
  • Deputy Vice Chancellors

Date of the workshop

16th – 19th July, 2019


Ho Technical University (HTU), Ho, Volta Region, Ghana

Registration Fees and how to pay:

  1. Ghana Nationals:  US$250. 00 or the Equivalent in Ghana Cedis (No Cheques)
  2. Other Nationals: AAU Members US$300. 00      iii)    Non-AAU Members $350. 00

Facilitators : Dr Violet Makuku (Quality Assurance Specialist & the HAQAA Initiative Project Officer at AAU) and other renowned experts in the area.

Registration Link of the workshop:

Important Contacts:

i) Dr. Violet Makuku, Accra, Ghana: or

WhatsApp Mobile No:  +233 263 129 798

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