Press Release – 2016 African University Day, November 12, 2016
October 10, 2016Call for Applications: Participate in Summer Schools on Sustainable Energetics for Africa
October 11, 2016Report and Communiqué – 8th International Conference and Workshops on Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Africa

The 8th ICQAHEA was organised from September 19-24, 2016 in Widhoek Namibia. Its purpose was to consolidate the results achieved in the process of implementation of the recommendations of the 7th ICQAHEA; address specific challenges and propose relevant strategies for building capacity for the effective use of innovations for enhancing quality and accelerating regional harmonisation. The conference also provided a platform for the formal launch of the Harmonisation, Quality Assurance and Accreditation (HAQAA) initiative.
The objectives of the 8th ICQAHEA were to:
- review different dimensions of innovation in African higher education that address quality and regional harmonisation;
- promote awareness among the African higher education community of recent developments in accelerating regional harmonisation under the Africa-EU partnership including the Continental Strategy for Education for Africa 2016-2025 (CESA); the Pan African Quality Assurance and Accreditation Framework; Tuning and Erasmus+;
- provide a platform for the launch of key initiatives under the Africa-EU partnership especially Harmonisation, Quality Assurance and Accreditation (HAQAA);
- train participants in modern and innovative methods of developing quality culture at the institutional and national levels;
- showcase innovative practices in teaching and learning; entrepreneurial thinking and practice; research; graduate employability policies and practice; funding; open and distance learning and management of higher education systems from Africa, Europe and other regions of the world as experiences for participants to adopt or adapt;
- identify barriers to innovation in the African higher education systems and strategies for breaking the barriers;
- address emerging challenges to quality in higher education in Africa including academic corruption and degree mills; and
- examine the impact of rating/ranking on the promotion of internal and external quality culture in the African higher education system.
Please download the final-Report-and-Communique for further information.