7th International Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Africa (ICQAHEA)
July 8, 2015
July 8, 2015
7th International Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Africa (ICQAHEA)
July 8, 2015
July 8, 2015
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Request for Expression of Interest -Senior Executive Attachments on Technology Uptake in African Universities

 Senior Executive Attachments on Technology Uptake in African Universities

Name of Project: Capacity Development for the Revitalisation of Education in Africa (Phase II)
Country/: Ghana
Grant No.: 285
Expressions of Interest: AAUCADRE/EOI/UI/19

The Association of African Universities (AAU) has received a grant from the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) based in Harare, Zimbabwe to build the skills and practical experience of university faculty in technology uptake through the establishment of business incubation and science parks.

In Africa, only a few higher education institutions have established business incubators as centres to support the formation of start-up businesses (i.e. offering services such as management assistance, access to finance, legal advice, operational know-how, networking opportunities and access to new markets). Whereas business incubators may not necessarily be established by or around universities, earmarking university properties as science parks to nurture academic spin-offs and start-up companies is a positive step towards commercialising technologies stemming from university laboratories, and employing thousands of people who may be churn out of these universities as young entrepreneurs.

The slow adoption of business incubators and science parks in Africa account for the vast under-representation of the continent internationally with regards to the quantity and visibility of its parks and incubators. Currently, only 2% of the 385 members of the International Association of Science Parks (IASP) worldwide are from Africa.

Objective of the Missions
The AAU intends to sponsor two-member teams from its member universities to undertake executive attachments for learning outcomes in a selected number of African universities that are promoting technology uptake in their institutions through the establishment of science parks and business incubators.

Request for Expression of Interest
The AAU CADRE II Project now invites its member universities to indicate their interest in undertaking the missions. Interested applicants should be industrial liaison officers or senior management staff from member institutions of the Association of African Universities with proven entrepreneurial and management skills and ability to promote and facilitate linkages with the productive sector.

Qualifications of Applicants
Each applicant should have a minimum of a Master’s degree, with a minimum of 5 years working experience in an entrepreneurial/management position.

The AAU will cover flight cost, accommodation and per diem in line with ACBF travel policy for a period of not less than 10 days and not more than 14 days (including weekends and travel time). Beneficiary applicants are to seek counterpart funding from their institutions as their in-kind contributions to the programme

Submission of Expression of Interest
Expressions of Interest clearly marked “Senior Executive Attachments on Technology Uptake – AAUCADRE/EOI/UI/19” can be submitted as hard copies at the address below on or before 12:00 GMT on Monday 31st August, 2015:

Applications should be sent to:
The Directorate of Research and Academic Planning, Association of African Universities, P.O. Box AN 5744, Accra – North, Ghana.

Or by email to the following addresses: jcmba@aau.org and copy: ransford@aau.org

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