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The Entrepreneurial African University Workshop
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Second Training Workshop on University-Industry Linkages for African Universities

Second Training Workshop on University-Industry Linkages for African Universities

In Collaboration with St Mary’s University

Ghion Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

24th to 26th May, 2016

Employee-DevelopmentUnder the aegis of its flagship Leadership Development (LEDEV) and Management Development (MADEV) workshop series which aim to enhance the skills of university staff in the promotion of innovation and the management of change, the Association of African Universities (AAU) is proud to announce a Call for Participants for its Training Workshop on Facilitating University-Industry Linkages.

The 2nd Workshop will be held at Ghion Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and is co-hosted by St. Mary’s University. Ethiopia. It will be facilitated in English.


The main thrust of the workshop is geared towards promoting university advancement through effective linkages with the productive sector. The three modules for the workshop are:

  • Technology Uptake
  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • Entrepreneurship

The modules will be run through intensive participant interaction over carefully selected cases and other materials, and lead lectures by eminent Resource Persons.


To ensure effective interaction and exchange, the number of participants is limited to a maximum of 40, selected on the principle of “first come, first served”. Please fill the online form to register. Registration is incomplete unless full payment has been effected.

While participation is open to all, preference will be given to persons holding the positions listed below, in universities and equivalent institutions:

  • Vice-Chancellor/Rector/President or their Deputies
  • Dean/Director of Institutes
  • International Liaison Officers
  • Public Relations Officers
  • Heads of University Counselling Units


Registration Fee

The registration fee is US$700.00 and this covers workshop material, snacks and group lunch. Please note that the deadline for Early Bird Registration is 15th April, 2016 as registration fees will be increased by US$100 after this date.


NB: All other expenses – travel, accommodation, subsistence, etc. – are to be borne by participants.

AAU Bank Details

Joining Information-Kebede

Please complete the online Registration Form here


For Further Enquiries Contact:

The Secretary-General, Association of African Universities

African Universities House, Aviation Road Extension

Airport Residential Area, P.O. Box AN 5744, Accra-North, GHANA.

Tel: 233302 774495/761588

Fax: 233 302774821

E-mail: cc:

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