Course Name: Wastewater Management
Duration: 6 weeks
Target group:
Our growing economy, rapid industrialisation and growing urban population along with increasing wastewater generation are reasons for concern and reiterate the need for appropriate wastewater management practices. This course recognises this need and is aimed at giving exposure to participants on wastewater treatment for industrial and urban wastewater management including reuse and recycling. The objective of this course is to build capacity and create awareness among regulators, developers, consultants, NGOs, students and academics to understand the wastewater treatment process, technologies and affordable treatment options. The programme further aims at evaluating the performance and design parameters along with the applicable cost implication associated with each treatment system. Following a brief introduction to the regulatory framework, and the characteristics of wastewater and pollution, the course explores the key stages of municipal wastewater treatment. The operating principles of the major processes are examined along with the factors affecting their performance.
Register here.