WACCI Commissions multi-purpose building to aid Research and Development
August 30, 2018
Call for Applications- Research Writing in the Sciences Online Course
August 31, 2018‘Africa’s Higher Education Institutions in the 21st century: An age of discontinuity’ November 7 -9, 2018
The impact of the various socio-political, socio-economic as well as competitive driving forces are such that it is quite likely that Africa’s HEI’s, collectively and individually, will be confronted with fundamental decisions that may very well involve their future sustainable success.
This also informed AAU’s decisions when the focus and range of 2018 University Advancement workshops had to be determined.
Higher Education institutions function in different ecosystems and have to deal with different contextual prompts. However all Higher Education institutions are currently experiencing major driving forces necessitating a total re-look, a total re-positioning as well as transformed behavior and outcomes – in order to ensure sustained success in the 21st century. This workshop will provide university leaders with the facilitated opportunity to:
- Identify and engage with the key driving forces that prompt fundamental transformational response
- Familiarize themselves with cutting edge approaches and ‘tools’ that they can employ on the ongoing transformational journey
- Focus on the key people issues that should be addressed (University’s people hold the key to successful transformation)
- Reflect, in terms of both internal and external linkages, on good governance of the University in these turbulent transformational times.
DATES: 7th to 9th November 2018 (Arrival – Tuesday, 6th November, 2018 | Departure – Saturday & Sunday 10th or 11th November 2018).
VENUE: Silver Spring Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya
TARGET PARTICIPANTS: This cutting-edge workshop is aimed at Chairpersons and members of University Councils, Vice chancellors/ presidents/rectors of Higher Education Institutions, Deputy Vice Chancellors, Deans, executive level HEI managers as well as directors of Marketing, Development and Alumni affairs. Heads of Departments, Registrars, Chief Financial Officers, Chief Human Resources, Chief Protocol Officers of Africa HEI’s are all invited to participate – with the expectation that they should during the workshop articulate their needs in terms of the value adding services to the growth of Universities in Africa
True to the interactive and participative nature of the workshop, participants are welcome to prepare short PowerPoint presentations on how their respective institutions deal with the challenges of the 21st century.
Such presentations (maximum 15 minutes presentation per institution) will be factored into the workshop programme. Participants are encouraged to share their respective institutions’ specific approaches to the challenges of the 21st Century, in this manner.
Programme Fees: US $ 600 per participant
Inclusive of morning/afternoon refreshments, lunch, as well as all workshop materials.
Participants are responsible for their own travelling arrangements as well as for the cost of accommodation for the duration of the programme.
How to apply to attend the workshop
Complete the online application form from here: https://www.research.net/r/ADVANS