Project Planning & Proposal Development Workshop| 14-17 of August 2018-Uganda & 21-24 August, 2018 -Cameroun
July 16, 2018
Innovative and Quality Research Methods Knowledge and Skills Training Workshop
July 25, 2018The University of Cape Coast (UCC) is committed to promoting research for national development. Through research and outreach, the University continues to respond to the needs of industry and transforms livelihoods. For this reason, the University has instituted research grant and award schemes to motivate and honour faculty members who have shown potential to engage in impact-oriented research and have outstanding achievements in the field of research. The research grant and award schemes are implemented annually by the Directorate of Research, Innovation and Consultancy (DRIC).
The Ceremony presents the diversity of the University’s research endeavours and how they impact national socio-economic transformation. It provides a platform for the research awardees and grantees to share their research output and experiences on broad range of issues including science, education, agriculture, medicine, nursing and the arts. For instance, the two policy and practice-oriented projects which focus on Ghana Music Documentation and Cultural Diversity, and Domestic Pesticide Use and Health Implications are cutting-edge research and innovations the Ceremony seeks to showcase. The Ceremony will also promote beneficial engagements among academics, policy-makers, industrialists and the general public.
The Third Research Awards and Grants (RAG) Ceremony will be graced by Prof. John Owusu Gyapong – Vice Chancellor, University of Health and Allied Sciences (UHAS), a distinguished academic, researcher and practitioner.
In this regard, DRIC in conjunction with the Office of the Vice Chancellor will hold the Third Research Awards and Grants Ceremony of UCC scheduled as follows:
Date: Thursday, 2nd August, 2018
Venue: SMS Auditorium
Time: 2:00pm – 5:00pm
Chairperson: Prof. Joseph Ghartey Ampiah (Vice Chancellor, UCC)
Members of the university community, academics, industry players and the general public are cordially invited to the launch.
Call 024-4693747/020-3915027 for more information about the event.