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University Advancement Workshop:”Higher Education in Africa at the tipping point –What are the implications for HE leaders of Africa’s Higher Education institutions” , 23-25 May 2018| Victoria Falls,Zimbabwe

It is necessary that executive level university leaders of Africa’s HEI’s come together to share their challenges and experiences with each other; to share approaches to deal with complex problems; and, to reflect on the way forward on how to best lead their respective HEI’s through the sea of massive turbulence and complexity to transformed tranquility.

This workshop will provide university leaders with the facilitated opportunity to:

  • Identify and engage with the key driving forces that prompt fundamental transformational response
  • Familiarize themselves with cutting edge approaches and ‘tools’ they can employ on the ongoing transformational journey
  • Focus on the key people issues that should be addressed (University’s people hold the key to successful transformation)
  • Reflect, in terms of both internal and external linkages, on good governance of the University in these turbulent transformational times

Please Access Full Details of this workshop here – University Advancement Workshop_FINAL INVITE


DATES: 23rd to 25th  May, 2018 (Arrival – Tuesday, 22nd May departure, Saturday 26th May or   Sunday 27th May 2018.

Target audience

The target audience for the workshop includes:

  • Vice Chancellors, Rectors, Presidents,  DVC’s,  Heads of Departments, Registrars, Chief Financial Officers, Chief Human Resources, Chief Protocol Officers of Africa HEI’s, – with the expectation that they should during the workshop articulate their needs in terms of the value adding services to the growth of Universities in Africa

Programme fees

US $ 600 per participant

This includes all programme materials, refreshments (tea/coffee and lunches) as well as formal functions which are offered as part of the programme. It excludes traveling and accommodation.

How to apply to attend the workshop

Complete the online application form from here:



  1. Gebru Equar says:

    This is good collaboration to bring positive impact to the development of the African Universities and capacitating young African researchers to change our developing Continent.

    Gebru Equar

    PhD, Staff and Candidate in Mekelle University ,Ethiopia

  2. says:

    When is the closing date for submission of applications and payment for participatoon

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