The Association of African Universities (AAU) in partnership with University of Namibia is holding the 4th Resource Mobilisation Workshop (RMW IV). The workshop seeks to provide Vice-Chancellors, Rectors, Registrars, Heads of Department, Finance Directors, Development Officers, Resource Mobilisation Officers, Project Administrators, Accountants and other key staff of Higher Education Institutions with a comprehensive overview of popular and successful strategies for mobilizing resources for their institutions. The practical learning activities will ensure that participants will be able to immediately apply their skills to acquire and manage necessary resources effectively to improve quality delivery of Higher Education in Africa.
Date: May 21-24, 2018
Venue: Safari Court Hotel, Windhoek-Namibia
Host: University of Namibia
Please access the Workshop Information Brochure here ; RMW Information Brochure __Namibia
Workshop Objectives and Learning Outcomes
The Resource Mobilization workshop seeks to:
- Describe common strategies for fundraising with examples of successes and failures.
- Conduct an audit of their own institution’s existing fundraising efforts, identifying the present mix and areas of needed development. [Product: audit]
- Perform grant research, proposal writing and management. [Product: one-page grant proposal]
- Conduct direct appeals for donations using online fundraising, crowdsourcing methods, and special events. [Product: appeal letter]
- Plan approaches for alumni and members of the diaspora community
- Conduct prospect research of major donors, articulate the case for planned gifts and capital campaigns, and build an endowment. [Product: Case statement]
- Discuss the motivations of venture philanthropists and how they can support your institution.
- Describe how local businesses and multinational corporations can provide in-kind contributions and sponsorship and develop partnerships with corporations through practices such as cause-related marketing. [Product: identify corporate partner and strategy]
- Discuss strategies for earned income and entrepreneurial ventures.
- Create a one-page business plan using the Business Model Canvas. [Product: BMC]
- Develop a fundraising/resource mobilization plan for their institutions for the coming one-to-three years, including an appropriate mix of at least four funding sources. [Product: Fundraising Plan w/ resource mix]
Workshop Facilitator
Prof. (Mrs.) Rosemond Boohene : She is an Associate Professor of Enterprise Development at the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Small Enterprise Development (CESED), University of Cape Coast with more than eighteen years (18) experience.
Registration Link :
Confirm participation by sending an email to Mr. Kwesi Acquah Sam via and copy
- Registration fee is US$ 500 which covers the workshop documents, lunch and tea/coffee breaks as well as a copy of workshop proceedings.
- Late Registration (after deadline of 19th May, 2018) = US$600
1 Comment
From Tanzania,I appreciate the Thing.Nice to have that.