Education Conference 2017 – August 28-30, 2017, Namibia
June 23, 2017
Quality Assurance Workshop on the 21st Century Innovative & Learner-centred Pedagogical Skills for Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges
The Association of African Universities is pleased to invite you to participate in its 11th AAU Leadership Development (LEDEV) workshop holding at the cozy Royal Lee’s Hotel at Tutu Akuapem, Ghana from 5 – 8 September, 2017.
Early Bird Registration = US$650
Late Registration (after deadline of 16th August, 2017) = US$800
Registration Package:
- Free Accommodation for each participant for 3 nights
- Group Lunch and Dinner (2 course meals)
- Workshop material
Side Attraction
- An afternoon out at Aburi Botanical Gardens
The AAU LEDEV series aim to enhance the leadership skills of our university leaders in the promotion of innovation in their institutions. Modules to be facilitated are:
- Strategic Planning in African Universities. The module will lead to a mastery of the fundamentals and practical minds-on/hands-on experience on the techniques of:
- situational analysis
- prioritization of needs
- programme activity planning in the process of strategic planning, with special reference to the work of universities
- University Advancement and Resource Mobilisation. The module will lead to:
- Understanding the integrated nature of Institutional Advancement
- Grasping how Institutional Advancement supports the institutional vision and priorities
- Identifying the key drivers of fundraising
- Planning and implementing a fundraising campaign
The workshop impact is better felt with representation of two or three member participants from each institution.
Mode of Delivery and Facilitators
Carefully selected case-study, face-to-face interaction and lead lectures facilitated by:
Emeritus Prof. PAI Obanya (Institute of Education, University of Ibadan, Nigeria) for Strategic Planning
Prof. Paul Ventura (School of Business, Marylhurst University, Oregon United States of America)
Please register online at:
Kindly i do request for support to attend for this workshop.
Is there a any support financial support for those unable to raise finds to attend? Highly interested in participating.