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African Students’ Leadership & Capacity Building Training – Nigeria

The African Students’ Leadership and Capacity Building Training Programme seeks to equip student leaders with the soft skills they need to operate in a modern academic environment.

Objectives of the workshop 

The specific objectives of the training include:

  1. Equipping student leaders with the knowledge and skills needed to administer student bodies.
  2. Equipping student leaders with the knowledge and skills needed to provide support to university management and administration.
  3. Empowering young leaders to be responsive, efficient, and innovative in order to achieve the “Africa we want” by 2063

Target Audience of the workshop 

The Workshop targets student leaders in all tertiary institutions in Nigeria and other African countries.

Date of the workshop

Tuesday 25th – Friday 28th September, 2018

Arrival and Registration

Monday, 24th September, 2018


Venue of the workshop 

University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Registration Fees and how to pay

Register via


  1. Ndowa E.S. Lale- Vice Chancellor of University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
  2. Comfort Ekpo- Former Vice Chancellor, University of Uyo, Nigeria
  3. Engr S.A Ngerebara- Former Commissioner, Rivers State
  4. S. Okodudu- University of Port Harcourt
  5. Kwesi Acquah Sam-Project Officer-Association of African Universities, Ghana
  6. O.Ndumuku- University of Port Harcourt
  7. B. Nwinee- Dean of Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Port Harcourt
  8. Esohe Ogbohodo- ACE M& E Officer- CERHI- University of Benin, Nigeria
  9. M. AnikpoFormer DVC, University of Port Harcourt.
  10. O. Ekpeyong- Dean of Student Affairs, University of Port Harcourt
  11. Col. Isigozu- Former CSO, UNIPORT
  12. Ogbonna Joel- Centre Leader,ACE-CEFOR,UniPort
  13. S.A.Ngeregbara- Former Commissioner, Rivers State
  14. Prof Agbagwa- Director, QA/QC, University of Port Harcourt


Read the Workshop Concept Note for more Information Student Leaders Workshop Concept Note- Nigeria

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