AAU rallies 500 top executives from Academia, Industry, Governments and Development Partner Communities at its 14th General Conference and Golden Jubilee Celebrations
July 10, 2017
Meet the New AAU President – Prof. Orlando Antonio Quilambo
July 10, 2017In accordance with the AAU’s Constitution and Bye-Laws which require the election of a new Governing Board every quadrennial, a new AAU Board was elected into office at the just ended 14th General Conference held in Accra, Ghana from June 4th to June 8th, 2017.
The General Conditions for eligibility for election as President, Vice-President, Member or Alternate Member of the Governing Board include among others, the fact that only serving Executive Heads of members of the AAU in good standing, and physically present at the General Conference, are eligible for election. Having met all the General Conditions set out by the AAU’s constitution, and having emerged as the winners of the keenly contested elections, the following persons are the new AAU Governing Board Members elected to serve the Association from 2017 to 2020;
2. Governing Board Members (2017-2020)
President of the AAU Governing Board
(1) Prof. Orlando Antonio QUILAMBO
Rector, Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, MOZAMIQUE
Vice Presidents of the AAU Governing Board
(2) Prof. Edward AKO
Rector, Université de Maroua, Maroua, CAMEROON
(3) Prof. Nicholas N.N. NSOWAH-NUAMAH
President, Regent University College of Science and Technology, Ghana
(4) Prof. Bakri Osma SAEED
Vice Chancellor, Sudan International University, SUDAN
Members of the AAU Governing Board – Eastern Africa
(5) Prof. Elifas Tozo BISANDA
Vice-Chancellor – Open University of Tanzania, TANZANIA
(6) Prof. Hassan Mohamed H. KAAFI
Vice Chancellor, Plasma University, Somalia.
Members of the AAU Governing Board – Western Africa
(7) Professor Olusola OYEWOLE
Former AAU President/ Vice Chancellor, Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Nigeria.
(8) Prof. Abdulganiyu AMBALI
Vice Chancellor, University of IIorin, Nigeria
(9) Prof. Brice SINSIN
Rector-University of Abomeyi-Calavi, Benin
Members of the AAU Governing Board – Northern Africa
(10) Prof. Ezzat Abdel WAHAB
Vice Chancellor-Ain Shams University, Egypt
Members of the AAU Governing Board – Southern Africa
(12) Prof. Rungano Jonas ZVOBGO
Vice Chancellor-Great Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe
(13) Prof Nqosa L. MAHAO
Vice Chancellor-National University of Lesotho, Lesotho
Members of the AAU Governing Board – Central Africa
(14) Vacant
(15) Vacant
(16) Vacant [Alternate Board Member]
Alternate Members of the AAU Governing Board – Central Africa
Alternate Members of the AAU Governing Board – Eastern Africa
Vice Chancellor-Makerere University, UGANDA
Alternate Members of the AAU Governing Board – Western Africa
3. Prof. Fajir ANJUM
Vice Chancellor-University of Gambia, Gambia
Alternate Members of the AAU Governing Board – Northern Africa
Alternate Members of the AAU Governing Board – Southern Africa
5. Prof. Engineer Quinton KANHUKAMWE
Vice Chancellor-Harare Institute of Technology, Zimbabwe