UNESCO invites all researchers, particularly young researchers to submit extended abstracts that will be considered for publication in an online booklet of extended abstracts and eventually, if selected, as an article in the printed and online versions of a special issue of a journal within the context of Africa Water Week. UNESCO is in touch with several international journals about publishing this special issue. Once extended abstracts are received, the organization shall negotiate with the publishers and inform all selected authors of the required research paper format and other details. Extended abstracts must be submitted in English or French, however, the selected extended abstracts will be published as manuscripts in English. Please submit your extended abstracts to the following email address: nairobi.hydrology@unesco.org by July 30 2020. The extended abstracts should focus on the overall theme of Youth and Water Security in Africa, be authored and/or co-authored by youth and young researchers and/or address the sub-themes of the call with a focus on the experience of youth and young professionals. Possibilities will be explored to facilitate the participation of selected youth responding to this call to present their papers in the Africa Water Week.
Extended Abstract themes
The overall theme for the call is Youth and Water Security in Africa. Some of the sub-themes for the proposed special issue include;
- Water-related Disasters and Hydrological Changes;
- Groundwater in a Changing Environment;
- Addressing Water Scarcity and Quality;
- Water and Human Settlements of the Future;
- Ecohydrology, Engineering Harmony for a Sustainable World,
- Water Education, a Key to Water Security.
Please find further information related to this call below: