Call for Volunteer Young Social Media Reporters
August 28, 2020
Association of African Universities Admits 32 New Members
September 1, 2020
Call for Volunteer Young Social Media Reporters
August 28, 2020
Association of African Universities Admits 32 New Members
About the SGCI
The Science Granting Councils Initiative (SGCI) is a multi-donor Initiative with Phase 2 (SGCI-2: 2020-2023) supported by Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID), Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and South Africa’s National Research Foundation (NRF).
The overall goal of the SGCI-2 Research Management project is to fortify the capability of Science Granting Councils in explicit areas of research management, namely research excellence (particularly the knowledge and use of tools such as Research Quality Plus framework), research ethics, emerging scientific practices (especially open data, open access and citizen science) Good Financial Grant Practice (GFGP) benchmarking exercise and development of online grant management systems (including databases of peer reviewers).
The Association of African Universities (AAU) and the African Academy of Sciences (AAS) are the consortium partners for the SGCI-2 Research Management project. Both AAU and AAS are two continental higher education and research bodies with experience in research management. AAU has participated in the SGCI-1 as part of the “Theme 3” Consortium. The SGCI-1 provided the AAU with invaluable experiences and lessons of working with and being part of activities taking place at the level of national science systems.
The SGCI-1 experiences and lessons learnt have been brought to bear on the SGCI-2 and are helping strengthen the capacity of Science Granting Councils to effectively and efficiently play their essential roles in research, knowledge and innovation
Why the focus on Research Management Frameworks for SGCs
Research management involves “all strategic, administrative and operational functions dealing with the management of research except conducting research itself”. It covers, inter alia, pre- and post-award management, research governance and planning, strategy and policy; research ethics and integrity, partnerships and collaboration; managing funded research; research data and information management; research uptake and utilization. It also covers development and delivery of research strategies and associated reporting and oversight.
As part of the SGCI Phase One project some manuals, procedures and frameworks were developed to guide quality research management processes within the SGCs. Some of these manuals, procedures and frameworks include the Good Practice Guidelines on the Quality of Research Competitions; Training Manual on Engagement with the Private Sector; STI Policy Handbook; Checklists for an MoU / a partnership agreement; and several others. These existing manuals, procedures and frameworks will further be reviewed and adapted by the SGCs. The existing manuals, procedures and frameworks will all be translated to French.
In addition, the manuals, procedures and frameworks will be developed in the areas of research excellence, research ethics, data and information management and digitization of management information systems for SGCs. Specifically, the following activities will be implemented in this work area:
- Review and technical support towards the customization and adoption of existing research manuals, procedures and frameworks.
- Needs analysis and development of new manuals, procedures and frameworks in the areas of research excellence, research ethics, data and information management and digitization of management information systems for SGCs.
- Peer review, publication and dissemination of the new manuals, procedures and frameworks.
In the Development of frameworks, manuals and procedures, the frameworks, manuals and procedures developed under SGCI-1 would be reviewed and new ones developed – e.g. the Good Practice Guidelines on the Quality of Research Competitions developed by SARIMA; a participatory process will be used to prioritize the frameworks, manuals and procedures that require development; and a participatory process will be used to develop the agreed frameworks, manuals and procedures – e.g. a framework for monitoring research ethics. This action will lead to the development of frameworks – e.g. framework for monitoring research ethics adherence; development of Manuals – e.g. how to use the RQ+ framework; and to the development of Procedures – How to lead a digitization project in a Science Granting Council.
The Call for request for proposals to support the development of research management frameworks, manuals and procedures for the SGCs
The AAU is therefore calling on consultants / resources persons to formally express interest in undertaking the assignment of supporting the development of research management frameworks, manuals and procedures for the SGCs.
The Consultant / resource person should have an understanding of current international and pan-African challenges in research management and knowledge of the current research landscape in Africa. Should have a broad understanding of national funding systems and an understanding of research management as both a strategic and administrative function.
How to submit the Expression of Interest
Consultants / resource persons are requested to submit their interests by completing the online form via this link: [https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/JBTM6HG]
The deadline for submission of the expressions of interest is close of business on Thursday, 15th October 2020.
Contact Information
If you have any queries concerning this call, please contact the Association of African Universities Project Management Assistant, Ms Ruth Dickson Email: rdickson@aau.org with a copy to tekpani@aau.org and Ms Allen Mukhwana A.Mukhwana@aasciences.africa