Call for Applications for Postgraduate Programmes
October 29, 2018
GCHERA celebrates WACCI Director
November 1, 2018Posted on behalf of CHEMRENWA
The CHEMRENWA (Chemistry Research Network of West Africa) is a chemical science research initiative based at Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Katsina, Nigeria. The Network brings an experienced group of highly determined and intellectually inquisitive researchers who are affiliated to higher education institutions and research institutes across the West African sub-region to engage in a cross-disciplinary research projects on two thematic areas, namely Medicinal and Green Chemistry. Basically, these areas encompass disciplines such as Pharmaceutical, Biochemical, Biological and Microbiological Sciences.
Under the Medicinal Chemistry, we intend to explore the Synthesis of Bioactive Molecules and Isolation of Natural Products as candidates for the treatment of malaria, cancer, diabetes, and gastrointestinal diseases. While under the Green Chemistry, the interest would be on the development of New Catalytic Methods and the Synthesis/modification of Biopolymers for application in agriculture, drug delivery etc.
- Why is it important
We are determined to provide a platform that would foster academic interaction among our West African colleagues for sustainable growth of the sub-region through: undertaking a collaborative research projects on topics relevant to the development of the sub-region; developing and raising the profile of the indigenous researchers; serving as an advisory body for the policy-makers; and strengthening diplomatic relation between the states in the sub-region.
- How does it works
The Structure of the Network consists of a Steering Committee, International Advisory Board, and Research Members (For more details visit: www.umyu.edu.ng/chemrenwa).
The Network seeks research grants within and outside the sub-region which would be utilized to undertake a number of collaborative projects within the thematic areas earlier mentioned. Normally a West African national will be placed on the project to train him/her for a higher degree (MSc or PhD). And that training must take place at any of the higher education institutions or research institutes within West Africa.
- How can faculty participate
Interested faculty who are currently affiliated to a higher education institution or research institute in West Africa may send his/her CV including the list of publications to chemrenwa@umyu.edu.ng. But as a general rule a prospective member MUST have obtained PhD degree or its equivalent at the time of sending the CV. Early- to mid- career as well as women researchers are particularly encouraged to join the network.
- Who can they contact
The primary email address is: chemrenwa@umyu.edu.ng. Kindly cc any correspondence to: yusuf.hassan@umyu.edu.ng
Phone No: +234 803 062 1278, +234 812 101 8133
Physical mail can be sent to:
Chemistry Research Network of West Africa (CHEMRENWA)
C/o Dr. Yusuf Hassan
Department of Chemistry
Umaru Musa Yar’adua University
PMB 2218
Katsina, Nigeria.