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Call for Participation – 1st African Universities’ Olympics

Cairo, Egypt| March 10 -14, 2019

The Association of African Universities (AAU) and the Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt have the pleasure to specially invite your institution to participate in the maiden African Universities’ Olympics holding from Sunday 10th – Thursday 14th March, 2019 at Al-Azhar University, Cairo-Egypt.  The Olympics seeks to use sports as a medium to create a unique platform for the youth in our universities to dialogue and collaborate towards achieving Africa’s continental initiatives, such as the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA 16-25) and Agenda 2063 (The Africa We Want).

Beyond the traditional relevance of sports as a source of recreation and entertainment, it has been proven to be a major indicator in achieving group cohesion, integration and unity.   For a long time, sports has also been viewed as a way to stay healthy and in shape, while it teaches life lessons like discipline, responsibility, self-confidence, accountability, and teamwork. From a social standpoint, sports is a powerful tool that creates a sense of community and develops connections that bond together people from all walks of life.

The AAU, acknowledging the critical role of higher education in achieving the Africa development agenda and augmenting the efforts of its member universities, is co-organising the maiden African Universities Olympics to create a unique platform for young people in African universities to connect and dialogue among themselves in the spirit of pan-Africanism and continental integration.

This 5-day sporting event under the theme “Uniting African Universities through Sports and Recreation: Mapping up strategies to achieve the Africa We Want”, is being held in partnership with the Al-Azhar University, Egypt.

Please register your team via

Deadline for registration is Friday, 22nd February, 2019

Download the information brochure for further details  – AAU Olympic Information Brochure

1 Comment

  1. Aya Abdelhady Gomaa Mogahed says:

    sooo great …. towards for my university

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