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Call for Internship Positions
September 12, 2017
9th International Conference and Workshops on Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Africa, September 19-21,2017, Accra- Ghana
September 15, 2017
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Call for Internship Positions
September 12, 2017
9th International Conference and Workshops on Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Africa, September 19-21,2017, Accra- Ghana
September 15, 2017
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Call for Volunteer Young Social Media Reporters

Social Media reporters

To Support the Social Media Campaign for the 2017 African University Week

The Association of African Universities (AAU) is organising key events to mark the 2017 African University Week. The theme for the African University Week is “AAU@50: Achievements, Challenges and Prospects for Sustainable Development in Africa”. This year the AAU Secretariat will use Social Media with the help of Volunteer Social Media Reporters to create awareness about the African University Week. This innovative approach will harness Social Media to create awareness and engage the Higher Education community electronically through the use of TWITTER, FACEBOOK, YOUTUBE and BLOGGING. This approach aims to generate “noise and excitement” online about Higher Education in Africa and contribute towards the advocacy role of the AAU.

Roles of Young Volunteer Social Media Reporters

  1. Selected Volunteer Social Media Reporters will work online to retweet, like facebook posts, share videos, share pictures, write blog articles and re-post posts related to the African University Week. These volunteers will work online from 23rd October 2017 to 25th November 2017.
  2. The Volunteer Social Media Reporters will be guided on what to tweet. E.g. a schedule of tweets and Facebook posts will be shared with the reporters.
  3. On-Site Volunteer Social Media Reporters will also be selected to support the online campaign and also participate in “onsite social media reporting”.  Physical presence during the events is thus a requirement for onsite Volunteer Social Media Reporters. Hence these Volunteer Social Media Reporters must be in Accra and be able to come to the Secretariat of the Association of African Universities for each event.
  4. The hash tag #AFUniWk will be used to tag all posts that will be posted to enable aggregation and tracking of traffic about the 2017 African University Week and future African University Week Celebrations.
  5. While tweeting or liking posts, Volunteer Social Media Reporters will be encouraged to mention universities in Africa and hopefully create awareness on and promote these universities as well.
  6. All selected Volunteer Social Media Reporters will be expected to follow AAU social media platforms
  7. Team leaders will be selected to assist and channel the efforts of their team members in order to reach their goals.

The Profile of a Young Volunteer Social Media Reporter

  1. Has experience using social media –  at least twitter and facebook
  2. Loves social media and visits these sites daily
  3. Has a smart phone and access to internet
  4. Has a good reputation in social media communities
  5. Understands the importance of hash tags and content aggregation
  6. Appreciates the importance of Higher Education for Africa’s development

Benefits to the Young Social Media Reporters

  1. You will learn about Social Media Reporting
  2. You will receive resources and training to use Social Media effectively
  3. You will be given an e-certificate signed by the AAU Secretary General if you complete all the tasks assigned to you.
  4. You will have a real experience to include in your CV
  5. You will be associated with the Association of African Universities and included in our database for future related opportunities to support your career growth

How to Apply

Please complete this online application form

African University Week Website 

Deadline for Applications

30th October 2017

Objectives of African University Week Celebrations

  1. Create awareness on the importance of Higher Education in Africa
  2. Promote dialogue on how to improve Higher Education in Africa
  3. Celebrate Higher Education Institutions in Africa

Venues for the 2017 African University Week Celebrations

  1. Secretariat of the Association of African Universities, Trinity Road, Next to National Accreditation Board (NAB), East Legon, Accra, Ghana
  2. The African University Week will be celebrated widely on the continent with various universities in Africa hosting events on their campuses to mark the Week.


  1. Dr Violet Makuku says:

    This is just great and it will link AAU, “The voice of Higher Education in Africa”, with the rest of the continent’s Higher Education Community. This is a most welcome event to make AAU more visible and better known by the African Higher Education Community that it serves.

    Well done!!!!!

  2. Meck Sibanda says:

    I am from Zimbabwe and work in rural areas and in Matabeleland North region where there is still thirst for tertiary education. I am willing and able to act as team leader and ambassador for the events in Zimbabwe, especially in the region where l work. I am also well connected with the Ministry of Education. I look forward to see this event celebrated in Zimbabwe .

  3. I am in Kenya and the idiosyncratic nature of this project interests me. Higher learning in the continent is a thought provoking conversation that should be held and I would love to be part of this!

  4. i would like to be part of this especially volunteer social media reporter.i would like to cover remotely from nairobi kenya.thanks for such opportunities for young people.thanks.

  5. Eutychus Ngotho Gichuru says:

    I am a student at Egerton University, Kenya and i would like to offer myself as a volunteer social media reporter. Being a constant user of Social media since 2011,i am well aware of how to successfully post an event on Facebook and twitter and have it trend very much. Apart from Facebook and twitter, i am also a frequent user of Whats App, LinkedIn and Instagram. My participation will be of significant value to you.

  6. ERICK says:

    online application form not available

    • Frank Asefuah says:

      Hi Erick,

      Unfortunately the deadline has closed. We however ask you to engage with us on our Social Media pages as we will be seeking help from the general public to engage with us and execute the tasks that we will be posting on our platforms. This is an African event and we need the help of Africans all around the world and in the continent to make this celebration a success.

      We look forward to your assistance.

  7. Frank Asefuah says:

    Hi Zama,

    Please check the response to Erick. Thank you.

  8. Frank Asefuah says:

    Hi Wiliams,

    Please note the response i sent to Erick. Thank you

  9. I am Israel Godson and by God’s grace I was chosen to participate in the Social-Media_Reporter program, but since I was enlisted I don’t know where to go from there. I have a website, I have social media handles, so pls I want to know what f=to do from here, so I know how to be of great help and use to the success of this great event, thanks

    • Frank Asefuah says:

      Hi Israel,

      Please check your email. We have had webinars and we have completed the team grouping and all. Please check your email and act accordingly.


  10. Erik Smith says:

    Such a amazing post, volunteering is best way to convert your skills and help others… thanks for sharing this lovely post.

  11. events says:

    Thank you for giving information about social media . your blog is very nice. vtsbharath conducted many events in various places.

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