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Call for Volunteer Young Social Media Reporters

To Support the Social Media Campaign for the AAU TV

The AAU has established a television station (AAU TV) as Africa’s apex higher education television platform to provide quality content for the higher education community in Africa. This medium transmits on YouTube (Association of African Universities); Facebook (, on a dedicated website ( and to a limited extent on Twitter (@AautvU) and Instagram (aautvofficial).

AAU is coming up with an innovative approach to draw close to young academics and students in Africa by harnessing Social Media to educate, create awareness and engage the African  community electronically through the use of TWITTER, FACEBOOK, YOUTUBE and BLOGGING. This approach aims to generate “noise and excitement” online about higher education in Africa and contribute towards the advocacy role of the AAU.

Roles of Volunteer Young Social Media Reporters

Our Social Media Marketing Department is searching for influencers in every African country, especially in the various tertiary institutions to help us reach out to all segments of the higher education community, which is our target audience for AAU TV. The influencers will serve as AAU TV Brand Ambassadors in their various locations. This offer is renewable every six months (January and July of each year).


The roles of Brand Ambassadors include:

  1. Updating AAU Social Media Marketing Department with constant and up-to-date information on academic and students-centered events on various campuses within their catchment areas;
  2. Building a database of university contacts (faculty, researchers, lecturers, students, etc.) and sharing social media content (YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) from the AAU Social Media Marketing Department with these contacts; and
  3. Identification of experts on various disciplines for live or recorded virtual interviews by the AAU TV Unit.


Selected volunteer social media reporters will work online to retweet, like facebook posts, share videos, share pictures, write blog articles and re-post posts related to the AAU. They will also:

  • Join a training to assist Social Media Reporters to handle their tasks; and
  • While tweeting or liking posts, they will be encouraged to mention universities in Africa and hopefully create awareness on and promote these universities as well.

All selected volunteer social media reporters will be expected to follow the AAU social media platforms.

The Profile of a Young Social Media Reporter

  1. Has experience using at least three of the following – Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, Blogs, Linkedin, etc
  2. Loves social media and visits them daily
  3. Has a smart phone and access to internet
  4. Has a good reputation in social media communities
  5. Understands the importance of hash tags and content aggregation
  6. Appreciates the importance of higher education for Africa

 Benefits to the Young Social Media Reporters

  1. You will learn about social media reporting
  2. You will be given an e-certificate signed by the AAU Secretary-General
  3. You will have a real experience to include in your CV
  4. You will be associated with the Association of African Universities and included in our database for future related opportunities to support your career growth
  1. As a Brand Ambassador, you would be officially recognized and certificated by AAU TV and, as opportunities avail, be part of the AAU TV crew during AAU TV coverage of events on your campuses or at your locations.
  2. You may also be allowed to interview on behalf of AAU and share raw content with the Social Media Marketing Department for pre-production editing and infusion into the mainstream AAU TV programmes.


How to apply:

Interested individuals should send their CVs, which include their social media handles to It will be our pleasure to work with you.



  1. Muigai Dennis Ng'ang'a says:

    I’d like to volunteer

  2. Aliyu Almustapha says:

    I’m appreciate to be here

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