UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education
April 21, 2022
Tribute to Dr. Rispa Achieng’ Odongo – From the Association of African Universities
April 26, 2022Invitation to Participate – HEFAALA Symposium & 20th International Conference on Private Higher Education in Africa | 27 – 28 April, 2022

The Association of African Universities and partners are extending an invitation to all higher education stakeholders to participate in the 3rd Higher Education Forum for Africa, Asia and Latin America (HEFAALA) Symposium, and the 20th International Conference on Private Higher Education in Africa. These events have adopted a hybrid participation approach and will hold both physically (face-to-face) and virtually, on 27th and 28th April 2022 at the Inter Luxury Hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
The theme for the HEFAALA symposium is “Academic Collaboration in Africa, Asia, and Latin America in the Post-COVID World”. The 20th International conference on Private Higher Education in Africa will also be held under the theme: “Embracing New Realities and Paradigms: Africa’s Higher Education Response”.
The conveners and partners for these important events include the African Union Commission; the Association of African Universities; Saint Mary’s University, Ethiopia; the International Network for Higher Education in Africa; The University of KwaZulu-Natal; Mastercard Foundation; Carnegie Corporation of New York; the Program for Research on Private Higher Education (PROPHE), USA ; and the Ministry of Education, Ethiopia.
The events will also feature Masterclass Workshops (restricted enrollment) under the theme “Building Leadership of Young Academics: The Power of Academic Collaboration” . These will run from 25 to 29 April 2022 and are effectively embedded in the Conference and the Symposium.
To register for these events, kindly click here. The programme is also made available for your attention.
We look forward to your participation and contributions, as we jointly discuss practical ways to foster collaborations and embrace new realities and paradigms in African Higher Education