Special Invitation to AAU’s University Advancement Workshop| July 25 – 27, 2018|Nairobi, Kenya
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Innovative and Quality Research Methods Knowledge and Skills Training Workshop| July 3 -6, 2018| Lusaka, Zambia
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Special Invitation to AAU’s University Advancement Workshop| July 25 – 27, 2018|Nairobi, Kenya
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Innovative and Quality Research Methods Knowledge and Skills Training Workshop| July 3 -6, 2018| Lusaka, Zambia
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Invitation to Regional Workshop on KOHA – An Open-Source Integrated Library System (ILS)| May 29 – 31, 2018 |Uganda

The Association of African Universities (AAU), in conjunction with Uganda Christian University, warmly invites you to the first regional training workshop on KOHA, an open source Integrated Library Management System. The objective of the workshop is to unbundle the KOHA open source Integrated Library System (ILS) to participants and institutions.

Koha is a highly sophisticated web-based ILS, with a SQL database backend and accessible via Z39.50.  Koha has a highly configurable and adaptable user interface that can also support many languages. Koha has most of the features that would be expected in an ILS, including:

  • Web 2.0 facilities like tagging, comment, Social sharing and RSS feeds
  • Union catalogue facility
  • Customizable search
  • Circulation and borrower management
  • Full acquisitions system including budgets and pricing information
  • Ability to cope with any number of branches, patrons, patron categories, item categories, items, currencies and other data
  • Reading lists for members
  • UNICODE and library standards compliant
  • Export/import and backup/restoration facilities

This workshop will also introduce the Linux operating system to the participants to acquaint the participants with the installation of Koha on server class machines and provide extensive hands-on-training for both librarians and the library IT support staff. Participants will be equipped with capacity to manage Koha as LMS at institutions with large collections

Workshop date and Venue

This workshop will be held in Uganda at the Uganda Christian University (Workshop Host) from the 29 – 31 May 2018

Target Audience 

There will be two parallel session for the workshop

  1. Librarian Session for KOHA management
  2. IT session for installation, customising and configurations.

This will be of immense benefit to LIS professionals working in any type of library. The number of participants will be restricted to 30 per session, and admission will be strictly on a first-come-first-served basis. The Workshop will be handled by experts with extensive practical experience in Linux and Koha.

Fee and Registration

The registration fee for the 3-day event is

AAU Members* $400

Non- AAU member institutions $500

This will cover workshop attendance fee, snacks and lunches, e-training material and other logisticst

* List of AAU members here https://www.aau.org/subs/membership/

 Travel, Accommodation and Conferencing

Participants will be responsible for their own accommodation and travel-related costs, such as flights. UCU will support application process for countries that will need visas on arrival but participants from outside need to ensure that they leave enough time for Uganda Christian University to submit their visa applications before they arrive. It is suggested that participants arrive latest on the Monday evening, as the training starts on Tuesday morning.

The AAU will deal with the registrations and issue invitation letters for visa and other purposes and will convey all logistics information


Registration, logistics and visas: Larissa ODZEBE GIDISU: lodzebe.gidisu@aau.org /CC: Abednego Corletey: acorletey@aau.org  and Nodumo Dhlamini: ndhlamini@aau.org


Register at the following link https://www.research.net/r/KOHA-1-2018

Registration deadline: May 11, 2018


 Prof. Etienne E. Ehile

Secretary General

Association of African Universities

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