Project Planning & Proposal Development Workshop| 14-17 of August 2018-Uganda & 21-24 August, 2018 -Cameroun
The 1st AAU Project Planning & Proposal Development Workshop is set to take place in Kampala-Uganda on the 14-17 of August 2018(Facilitated in English) and in Yaoundé-Cameroun on the 21-24 August, 2018(Facilitated in French). Join professionals and practitioners from Universities and Organisations across Africa. Register Here to participate –
The AAU-PPPD workshop provides four days professional development and networking opportunity for all AAU-member institutions and non-member institutions across Africa. The workshop will provide training and information for universities seeking to introduce a course in PPPD. It will introduce participants to project planning and proposal development techniques and prepare them to respond to any competitive call for proposals globally; boost the capacity of African universities and organizations in competing for research and project grants; and raise capacity of participants to conduct project budget audit and sharpen monitoring and evaluation skillsets.
Target Audience:
Vice Chancellors
Finance Directors/Officers
Development Officers
Heads of Departments
Project Officers
Do not miss this opportunity! Register here to attend –
Click here to download workshop brochure:
English Version: PPPD Worshop Brochure(ENGLISH)
Version française : PPPD Workshop Brochure(française)