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University in Focus: Botswana College of Agriculture

BCA logoTransitioning from a College of Agriculture to an Agricultural University

The Botswana College of Agriculture is an Associate Institution of the University of Botswana established through Act of Parliament No. 9 of 1991. The Botswana College of Agriculture is in the process of transitioning to a fully fledged agricultural university to be called Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (BUAN). A Conference organised by BCA from 5-6th March 2015 at the Gaborone International Convention Centre, Grand Palm Hotel, Gaborone deliberated how to “Transform the College and Redefine Botswana Agriculture”. The Conference came at a time when the College has been approved by Government to transform into Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (BUAN). This conference set the stage where the College presented its vision with stakeholders and also provided benchmark Institutions a platform to share their experiences and best practices.

The Acting Principal is Dr. Mataba Tapela

The Vision To be an agricultural university of international repute

The Mission To produce quality graduates for the agricultural sector through innovative teaching and research

Programs offered by the Botswana College of Agriculture
Diploma Programs
Higher Diploma in Agriculture
Higher Diploma in Animal Health and Production
Higher Diploma in Forestry and Range Ecology
Bachelors Degree Programs
Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Education)
Bachelor of Science (Animal Science)
Bachelor of Science (Agriculture)
Bachelor of Science (Crop Science)
Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Mechanisation)
Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Economics)
Bachelor of Science (Soil and Water Conservation Engineering)
Masters Degree Programs
Master of Science (Agricultural Education)
Master of Science (Agricultural Engineering)
Master of Science (Animal Science)
Master of Science (Crop Science)

Contact Address

Botswana College of Agriculture
Private Bag 0027
Gaborone, Botswana
Phone: +267 – 3650100
Fax: +267 – 3928753


  1. Constantine Mutemeri says:

    Dear Sir/Madam
    My name is Constantine Mutemeri I am a Zimbabwean based in Mozambique I want to enroll as long distance learning also as Mature entry have been in poultry industry for 12 years have 3 certificates of Hatchery management courses I want a diploma in Agriculture and animal health how do I go about it.

  2. Harrison mweemba says:

    Am interested in a masters degree program. I hold a Bsc in Agricultural sciences from University of Zambia and a higher diploma in Agricultural education from Natural Resources Development college. Kindly advise when the next intake will be and fees as quoted in US dollars.

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