Call for: Subject & Quality Assurance Experts for Programmes Accreditation & Review in Namibia
July 23, 2015
Experts Needed – Enabling Environments Ltd, Mauritius
July 23, 2015
Call for: Subject & Quality Assurance Experts for Programmes Accreditation & Review in Namibia
July 23, 2015
Experts Needed – Enabling Environments Ltd, Mauritius
July 23, 2015
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University in Focus – Njala University, Sierra Leone, West Africa

Njala-UniversityDid you know ………..

-The Njala University is comprised of two campuses, the Bo Campus and Njala Campus

– In addition, it also host the National Agricultural Training Centre (NATC), jointly founded by the Government of Sierra Leone and the British Government and the Njala Agricultural Research Center (which is a wing of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security)

– The University has eight Schools: Agriculture, Education, Environmental Sciences, Social Sciences, Community Health Sciences, Technology, Forestry and Horticulture, and Medical Sciences.

-In August 2005, six of the Schools became operational, i.e. the Schools of Education, Social Sciences and Community Health Sciences at the Bo Campus, and the Schools of Agriculture, Environmental Sciences and Technology at the Njala Campus.

-The School of Forestry and Horticulture also became operational at the Njala Campus in October 2007.

-These Schools prepare sub-degree, undergraduate and postgraduate students for careers in teaching, agricultural extension and in various specialties in the environmental and community health sciences, and in information technology. T

-The Schools also conduct basic and applied research and disseminate the results of these researches through the University’s extension services.

– Njala University, focuses on the practical application of its knowledge and experiences within Sierra Leone and beyond.


Background information

Address: PMB New England, Freetown, Sierra Leone

Vice Chancellor: Prof. Abu Sessay

Date of Establishment: 1964

Vision:   To be a leading centre of learning, scholarship and community service, committed to making significant and sustained contributions to the realization of the overall socioeconomic aims and aspirations of Sierra Leone and the world at large

Mission: To provide high quality training and produce graduates with desirable attitudes, skills and knowledge; and stimulate meaningful research and service to humankind.







1 Comment

  1. Fatiemata Swaray says:

    What are the requirements for a master program at Njala University in studying agriculture. I’M interested

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