Post-Doctoral Fellowship Announcement
January 12, 2021
Job Announcement- Policy Specialist
January 15, 2021The Quality Assurance Authority, based in Mauritius is inviting applications from qualified candidates for appointment on a 3-year contract (renewable annually) to the post of Executive Director.
Please access this link for full details related to this call – advertforEDQAA_30122021
Additional Information to Candidates
Profile of Candidate
The candidate should –
(i) Hold a PhD from a recognised institution or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board;
(ii) reckon at least ten years’ post-qualification experience in the Higher Education Sector;
(iii) have a thorough knowledge of the higher education and training systems at the National and
International levels;
(iv) be conversant with development of the qualifications framework, quality assurance and
(v) possess strong leadership, interpersonal and communication skills;
(vi) possess sound analytical skills and be able to adopt a multi-disciplinary approach to problem solving and be able to meet tight deadlines; and
(vii) have undertaken post qualification research.
NB: Candidates should produce written evidence of experience/knowledge claimed.
Role and Responsibilities
(i) To be responsible for the execution of the policy of the Board of the Quality Assurance Authority
and for the control and management of the day-to-day business of the Authority;
(ii) to act in accordance with such directions as he/she may receive from the Board of the Quality
Assurance Authority.
(i) To provide leadership and direction and proactively contribute to the furtherance of the objects of the
Authority and be responsible for the implementation of the policies, programmes and projects of the
Authority, and the control and management of its day-to-day business.
(ii) To promote, maintain and enhance quality assurance of higher education in line with international
(iii)To be responsible and accountable for all matters pertaining to human resource, finance and
procurement and supply and the general administration of the organisation.
(iv)To establish linkages with relevant international organisations for benchmarking with good international
(v) To implement core performance indicators aligned to the Authority’s mission and vision.
(vi)To undertake research relevant to the objectives of the Authority as may be directed by the Board.
(vii) To put in place and monitor innovation strategies in the furtherance of the objectives of the Authority.
(viii) To mount and implement development programmes and training in pursuit of quality at all levels.
Conditions of Service
For local candidates
Appointment will be on a 3-year contract basis (renewable annually) with:
(a) a salary of Rs110,000 per month as determined by the Pay Research Bureau;
(b) an end-of-year bonus equivalent to one-month salary;
(c) a gratuity at the rate of two months’ salary on completion of 12 months’ satisfactory service; and
(d) other benefits as per PRB Report 2016, including chauffeur driven car with fuel allowance.
For expatriates
Appointment will be on a 3-year contract basis (renewable annually) with:
(a) a salary of Rs110,000 per month as per PRB Report 2016; special allowance of MRU 60,000 per
month (present exchange rate: 1 USD around MRU 39)
(b) an end-of-year bonus equivalent to one-month salary;
(c) a gratuity at the rate of two months’ salary on completion of 12 months’ satisfactory service; and
(d) other benefits as per PRB Report 2016, such as:
(i) Annual leave and Sick leave
(ii) Rent allowance of MRU 30,000 per month
(iii) Chauffeur driven car with fuel allowance
(iv) Air passages (Economy class tickets) on appointment and expiry of contract.
Mode of Application
Letter of application including a detailed CV, photocopies of qualifications, and evidence of experiences
claimed (testimonials), names and contact details (phone, fax, email) of two referees should be sent:
(i) either by registered post to the address below in an envelope marked Application for the post of
Executive Director:
Address: The Secretary
Quality Assurance Authority
4th Floor, HEC (ex-TEC) Building
Réduit 80835
(ii) or by email bearing as subject Application for the post of Executive Director to
Closing Date
The application should reach the Authority on Monday 25 January 2021 by 1600 hrs local time.
Important notes to candidates
The position is open to both local and international candidates.
Full details including the conditions of employment are available at www.qaa.ac.mu/vacancies
Applications received after the due date and time shall not be considered.
Any candidate who fails to submit evidence of qualifications and experience by the closing date
shall be disqualified.
Only the best qualified candidates will be called for interview.
The Authority reserves the right not to make any appointment following this advertisement without
incurring any liability towards any applicant.