Quality Assurance Workshop
March 20, 2019
Vacancy – Vice Chancellor Position, Kumasi Technical University, Ghana
March 25, 2019
Quality Assurance Workshop
March 20, 2019
Vacancy – Vice Chancellor Position, Kumasi Technical University, Ghana
March 25, 2019
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Workshop on “Best Practices in Management of Development Agencies’ Supported Programmes for Institutional Growth”

July 23 -26, 2019,  AAU Secretariat, Accra-Ghana

It has been observed that for most institutions that have once received support from Development Agencies in respect of a project or program, the failure rate has unreasonably been very high. Failure rate here is assessed in terms of:

  • Poor performance of the project;
  • Untimely completion of the project;
  • Higher cost of completion of the project;
  • Frustration or Abandonment of the project;
  • Inability to fully withdraw the loan/grant; and
  • Non-accomplishment of the project objectives.

There are many factors that indeed contribute to the high failure rate of programs supported by Development Agencies but one undoubtable reason is the knowledge and effective implementation of best practices in the management of the project. When the rules and guidelines are not adhered to in a program due to lack of capacity of the implementing personnel or organization to understand and observe them, the end result is usually failure of the program.

It is these best practices that this workshop intends to lay bare so that the participants will confidently lead their institutions or units in avoiding failure of programs and ensuring high levels of success. The consequences of any failed program are highly damaging to any institution. Not only are national wealth and development opportunity lost, trust is also lost and most adversely, the chance of the same Development Agency or another having interest in that institution is shrunk.

Some of the topical subjects that will specifically be addressed during the workshop with respect to Development Agencies’ supported programs shall include:      

  • Preparation of Preliminary Request Document;
  • Preparation of Project Appraisal Report;
  • Negotiation of Financing Agreement;
  • Development of Implementation and Work Plan;
  • Procurement Planning and Management:
  • Preparation of Bidding and Evaluation Document;
  • Measurement and Evaluation of Project Outputs and Outcomes:
  • Arrangements for Project Audits (Procurement and Financial);
  • Contract Administration;
  • Strategic application and receipt of ‘No-Objections’
  • Financial Management;
  • Project Reporting:
  • Leadership, integrity and corruption


The expected participants at the workshop include Program Managers (Faculty, Administrators, or whoever is charged with responsibility of implementing a programme no matter the size), Bursars, Internal Auditors, Procurement Officers, Accountant, Administrative Officers, etc.


The objective of the workshop is to equip individuals who are or could be in the role of a Program Manager for a Development Agencies’ supported project with broad knowledge and skills required to successfully implement such projects in a way that guarantees the expected outputs, outcomes and impact of the project.  

After going through this workshop, participants will:

  • Have a broader base of knowledge on what constitutes best practices in the management of Development Agencies’ supported project;
  • Understand different methods and associated procedures for procurement of goods, works and services;
  • Be able to prepare bidding documents and bid evaluation reports;
  • Understand different methods and associated procedures for withdrawals of funds from the loan or grant provisions;
  • Be able to prepare implementation plan and budget;
  • Be able to master strategies for requesting and receiving appropriate approvals from relevant authorities;
  • Be able to keep appropriate records of events, activities and transactions as such to position a project for both procurement and financial audits;
  • Understand the operation of Results Measurement Framework, prepare Monitoring and Evaluation Plan and undertake actual measurement of outputs, outcome and impacts;
  • Understand content of and be able to prepare Progress Reports;
  • Understand the impact of leadership, integrity and corruption on successes or failures of projects.

Workshop Date

July 23-26, 2019


Secretariat of the Association of African Universities

Trinity Road, East- Legon, Accra-Ghana


The workshop will be held in English.

Registration Fees

AAU member Institutions – $300

Non-AAU member Institutions -$400

Register to participate via – https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BPMDASP


  1. Mr. Schenineda Ankomah-  skankomah@aau.org – +233 200783270
  2. Ms. Edith Laari- -elaari@aau.org – +233 244498868


  1. Mr. Osondu Joshua Onwuzuruigbo (Lead Facilitator)
  2. Mrs. Adeline Addy (M&E Specialist)
  3. Mr. Frank Adjei (Professional Accountant)

Download the Full Concept Note Via – http://blogmain.aau.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Concept-Note-for-AAU-Project-Management-Workshop-.pdf


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