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Guinea Stepping Up Skills Project is looking for Evaluators

The Guinea Stepping Up Skills Project is looking for Evaluators fluent in French.

  1. Please download the application form from this link: CV Evaluateur FCCE 2016-1
  2. Please download the Profile of required Evaluators : Profile of Evaluators_French
  3. The deadline for submissions is 20th April 2016
  4. For more details please see the contact details below:

Abraham Tounkara
Coordinateur Fonds Compétitif pour les compétences et l’Employabilité des jeunes, Projet Booster les Compétences
Conakry, République de Guinée
Tel: (224) 620-842438

The Guinea Fund for skills and employability is financed by the World Bank. The Fund supports new two- to three-year professional training programs adhering to international certifications and delivered through a Public Private Partnership. It will contribute to reforms by incentivizing and supporting innovative approaches to improve skills, employability, and employment and create opportunities to design and test new training program models with a view to improving quality and relevance.

A gradual approach is being used: a pilot during this first year will provide an opportunity to develop best practices and allow for optimal contextualization. Proposals during this pilot phase are focussing on a small number of priority sectors such as agriculture and agro-business, mining, energy and construction, environment and telecommunications, hospitality and tourism and  education while taking into consideration inter-disciplinary areas such as training of trainers in foreign languages, instruction methods, entrepreneurship, online courses, soft skills, etc.

The Competitive Fund is open to trainers, groups of trainers, departments, training institutions organized in consortiums with the private sector, large enterprises, and groups of enterprises. Tripartite partnerships with tertiary/TVET institutions and the private sector are being encouraged.

Public and private training institutions have submitted proposals for professional programs developing key skills meeting labor market needs, with an emphasis on practical training and ensuring adequacy linked to economic sectors. Private businesses, enterprises, and SMEs have also submitted proposals for financing – in partnership with training institutions.

This request for CVs is for French Fluent Evaluators to review the submitted proposals which will be evaluated based on predetermined, weighted criteria.

About the Guinea – Stepping Up Skills Project (English)
The objective of this Stepping Up Skills Project is to boost the employability and employment outcomes of Guinean youth in targeted skills programs. There are three components to the project, the first component being fund for skills and employability. The Fund will support new two to three year professional training programs adhering to international certifications and delivered through a Public Private Partnership, or PPP. It will: (a) contribute to reforms by incentivizing and supporting innovative approaches to improve skills, employability, and employment; and (b) create opportunities to design and test new training program models with a view to improving quality and relevance. The second component is the Education to Employment (E2E) program. The E2E program will provide unemployed graduates a career pathway to professional opportunities in training, internships, jobs, or self-employment through incentive-based PPP contracts. Finally, the third component is the institutional support and regulatory framework. By allocating resources directly to training institutions and introducing more spending flexibility, the competitive fund encourages a paradigm shift in institutional management and governance

Please read more about the project

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