Invitation to take part in the African Jobs Board Survey

Photo-Finland Africa Platform for SDG9
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Photo-Finland Africa Platform for SDG9
Finland-Africa Platform for Sustainable Development Goal 9 (Innovation) convenes key stakeholders to deliberate on practical steps towards the achievement of SDG9 – AAU Participates
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Invitation to the Database of African Theses and Dissertations, including Research (DATAD-R) XII Workshop
September 12, 2019
The African Jobs Board is a project that seeks to develop a standalone Jobs Board which will serve as a hub for academic and non-academic jobs at Universities and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) across Africa. It will also include PhD opportunities, Career advice pages and Profiles of African countries.
The Project Partners are:
  • The Association of African Universities (AAU): is a longstanding leader in the space of African tertiary education. Its mission is to enhance the quality and relevance of higher education in Africa and strengthen its contribution to Africa’s development.
  • Warwick Employment Group (WEG): provides worldwide employment opportunities for students, institutions and their staff, to maximise their potential in the workplace. Our organisation is developed through a quality, ethical, community approach, mirroring the aspirations of our University partners, to fulfil a recruitment need for the higher education sector.
  • Education Sub Saharan Africa (ESSA): is an independent Charity whose purpose is to “Join up, inform, inspire and increase impact for everyone investing in education in Sub Saharan Africa”.

The purpose of this market study is to establish what Higher Education in Africa really needs in terms of recruitment and staff mobility in Africa also to gather data on customers and potential customers (from African Universities). The data will significantly aid our decision making. This would reduce the risk of making poor decisions.

The AAU is trying to fully understand the needs of this target market which encompasses the whole of Africa and Higher Education institutions.

Thank you in advance for your support to our goal by completing this survey.
This survey will take approximately 10-20 minutes to complete.