August 31, 2018
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- AAU Actualités
- AAU Ateliers
- AAU Conference
- AAU Governing Board
- AAU Reports
- AAU Webinars
- AAU Workshops
- Centers of Excellence
- Featured Articles
- Members News
- News
- Opportunities
- Opportunities from the Secretariat
- Press Release
- Social Media
- Statutory Events
- Surveys
- Uncategorized
- University in Focus
- WGHE Webinar Series
- All
- 'research management
- "Know Your Continent Quiz"
- #AddressingFacultyDataGaps-EAC
- #AFUniWk
- #AUDAY2015
- #CentresofExcellence
- #COREVIP2023
- #DemograhicsOfFaculty – EAC
- #SocialMedia4Uni
- 14th AAU General Conference
- 15th AAU General Conference
- 18th International Conference on Private Higher Education in Africa
- 2018 Education Collaborative Annual Workshop
- 2019 Education Collaborative Conference
- 2020
- 2021
- 2024 -2030
- 2024 Africa Universities Day
- 2024 Year of Education
- 20th International Conference on Private Higher Education in Africa
- 2iE
- 2nd ACE Impact workshop
- 3rd edition
- 56th Anniversary of AAU
- 5th Webinar
- 6th ACDE General Assembly and Conference
- 7th ACE Impact Regional Workshop
- 7th Africa Forum
- 8th ACE Impact Workshop
- 8th March
- 9the ACE Impact Regional Workshop
- AABD Conference
- AAU - UNESCO Meeting
- AAU -IUFoST collaboration
- AAU @ 50
- AAU 15th General Conference
- AAU Admits New Members
- AAU at 50
- AAU Bank Details
- AAU Board Members
- AAU Calls
- AAU Communications
- AAU Conference
- AAU Conference in Egypt
- AAU Conferences
- AAU COVID-19 Response
- AAU East Africa Regional Office
- AAU Europe Regional Office in
- AAU Events
- AAU General Conference
- AAU Golden Jubilee
- AAU Governing Board
- AAU Governing Board President
- AAU in 2022
- AAU in 2023
- AAU Internships
- AAU Languages
- AAU Member University in Focus
- AAU Members
- AAU Members- Wisconsin international University College
- AAU News
- AAU News Issue 96
- AAU North Africa Regional Office
- AAU North America Office
- AAU office in North America
- AAU Olympics
- AAU partnerships
- AAU Policy Webinar Series
- AAU President
- AAU Quality Assurance Workshop
- AAU Recruitments
- AAU Regional offices
- AAU Secretariat
- AAU Secretary General
- AAU Social Media
- AAU Southern African Regional Office
- AAU STEM office in North America
- AAU Strategic Plan
- AAU TV Advertisement
- AAU TV Brand Ambassadors
- AAU TV Goes Digital
- AAU TV goes Live
- AAU Vacancies
- AAU Webinars
- AAU Workshop
- AAU Workshop in Kenya
- AAU Workshops
- AAU_eLearnAfricaLMS
- AAU_Trust Africa_WGHE Online Forum
- AAU-eLearn AfricaLMS
- AAU-eLearnAfrica Learning Management System
- AAU-eLearnAfricaLMS
- AAU-NARO Academy
- AAU’s 2021 Higher & Tertiary Education Virtual & Face-To-Face Workshops
- AAU@50
- AAU/SIDA Webinars
- Abednego Corletey
- Abidjan
- ABM University College
- ABS International
- Academic
- Academic and Student Services
- Academic Conference on Africa
- Academic Excellence in Africa
- Academic jobs
- Academic Mobility Scheme
- Academic Writing Skills Support for Quality Research Output
- Academy of Science of South Africa
- Accord de Paris
- Accra
- Accra Institute of Technology (AIT)
- Accreditation
- ACE @10
- ACE 1
- ACE 2
- ACE for Development Impact
- ACE Impact
- ACE Impact Project
- ACE Project
- ACE Workshop
- Addis Ababa
- ADEA webinars
- Adobe Connect
- Advance Diplomacy
- Advancement Academy of Stellenbosch
- Advancing Food Processing
- Advancing Higher Education
- Advancing Research in Africa
- advertising
- AfECN Research Fellowship
- Africa
- Africa CDC
- Africa Centers of Excellence
- Africa Centres of Excellence
- Africa Day
- Africa Education Jobs Board
- Africa Higher Education Centres of Excellence
- Africa Internet Summit
- Africa Minds
- Africa Private Sector Summit
- Africa Universities' Day
- Africa Universities' Day 2022
- Africa Universities' Day 2023
- Africa-EU Post-Summit Webinars
- Africa-Europe Relations
- Africa's economic growth
- African Academic Diaspora Virtual Homecoming 2020
- African Academic Heritage Fair
- African Academy of Sciences
- African Center of Excellence for Genomics of Infectious Diseases
- African Continental Free Trade Area
- African Diasporan Networks
- African Education Trust Fund
- African Francophone Universities
- African Higher Education
- African Higher Education Centres of Excellence
- African Higher Education Conference
- African higher education event
- African Higher Education updates
- African Institute for Development
- African Jobs Board
- African Network Operators Group
- African Private Sector Summit
- African Private Sector Summit (APSS)
- African Quality Rating Mechanism
- African Students
- African Union
- African union Commission
- African Union Day 2023
- African Universities
- African Universities and Media
- African Universities Expert's Programme
- African Universities Olympics
- African Universities Week
- African Universities Week 2018
- African Universities' Week 2020
- African University College of Communications
- African University Day
- African University Leaders and stakeholders
- African University of Science and Technology
- African Virtual University
- African Women in Higher Education Network
- African Women in Higher Education Network (WoHEN)
- African Youth
- African Youth Summit
- AfricanUniversities
- AfriQAN
- AfriQAN conference
- AfriQAN Webinars
- Afrobarometer
- Afrofuturism and Africa’s Development
- Afrofuturism and African Development
- Aga Khan Academy School
- Agenda 2063
- Agro-Processing
- AI
- AI in higher education
- Ain Shams University
- Al-Azhar University
- All Africa Students Union
- All-African Students Union
- Amelia Earhart Fellowship 2023 for Women in Aerospace/Mechanical Engineering
- American Society for Engineering Education
- and capacity building
- Animation & Motion Graphics Designer
- Annual Meeting of Registrars
- anti-snake vaccine discovery
- Apply for the 2021 AAU Facilitated Institutional Workshops
- AquaFish ACE
- Argentina
- Artificial Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence in African HE
- ASAA 2021 Biennial Conference
- Ashesi University
- Asset
- Asso
- Association for Development of Education in Africa
- Association of African Universities
- Association of African Universities Al-Azhar University Egypt Cairo African Universities Olympics
- Association of African Universities Workshop
- Association of Arab universities
- Atelier de Formation en Assurance Qualité et Pédagogie
- AU Day
- AU Week 2018
- AUST Abuja
- Awards
- AYS 18
- Bandwidth
- BaNGA -Africa Post-Doctoral Fellowships
- Banque Mondiale
- Beche Emmanuel
- Benchmarking universities
- Benin
- Best Budding Researcher in Education
- Best Practices in Management and Internationalization in HEIs Programs
- Best Practices in Managing Projects
- BHETS Workshop
- Biodiversity
- blended approaches
- Blue Crest College
- Botho University
- Botho university career opportunities
- Botswana
- Botswana College of Agriculture
- BREAL Global Observatory
- British Academy
- British Council
- broadcast
- Buenos Aires
- Building Technology Based Resilient Universities
- Bulawayo
- Burkina Faso
- Cairo
- Calendar of Activities
- call for 3rd Cohort of AfECN Research Fellows
- Call for Abstracts
- Call for Application
- Call for Applications
- Call for Applications -Africa Early Childhood Research Fellows Mentorship Programme
- Call for Consultancy
- Call for Consultants
- Call for Contacts
- Call for experts
- Call for Facilitators
- Call for host
- Call for News Articles
- call for papers
- Call for participation of Quality Assurance Agencies
- call for proposals
- Call for session proposals
- Call for Social Media Reporters
- Call for University Selection
- Camera Man
- Cameroon
- Cameroun
- Campus Networks
- Canadian International Development Scholarships 2030
- Capacity Building
- Capacity Building for higher education
- Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) Virtual Fair
- Capacity Building Workshop
- Capacity building workshops in Africa
- Cape Peninsula University of Technology
- Cape Town Harmonies
- Capital Markets
- Career Opportunity
- Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program
- Carnegie Corporation
- Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Catholic University of Eastern Africa
- CBHE Virtual Fair
- Cell Biology
- Center of Excellence in Agriculture Development and Sustainable Enironment
- Center of Excellence in Dryland Agriculture
- Centers of Excellence
- Central Africa
- Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching (CILT)
- centres d’Excellence en Afrique
- CESA 2016-2025
- CESA Higher Education Cluster
- Challenges in Higher Education
- changement climatique
- Changing the Narrative of African Education
- Chemistry Network
- Chief Information Technology Officers
- China Africa
- China Association of Higher Education
- China-Africa Relations
- Choose To Challenge
- CLIG Africa
- Climate Change
- Climate Resonance
- Coding Skills for Everyone
- collaboration in education
- Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan)
- Commercial
- Commonwealth
- Commonwealth of Learning
- Communication
- Computer Programming
- Computerised System
- Concept note
- Condolence Message from the AAU
- Condolence Message in Honor of the Late Professor OYE IBIDAPO-OBE
- Condolences
- Conference
- Conference Communique
- conference evaluation forms
- Conference for Rectors
- Conference for Vice Chancellors
- Conference for Women in Higher Education
- Conference of Rectors
- Conférence sur le changement climatique
- Conflict Prevention
- Consortium
- Consultancy visits
- Contacts Information
- contemporary legal issues in higher education
- content development
- Continental Education Strategy for Africa
- Continental Workshop
- COREVIP 2019
- COREVIP 2022
- COREVIP 2023
- COREVIP Feedback
- COREVIP Pre-conference event
- Corporate
- Côte d'Ivoire
- course development
- Coventry University
- COVID-19
- COVID-19 Africa Rapid Grant Fund
- COVID-19 pandemic
- Crawford University
- Criminology
- Cutting-edge research
- CyberSceurity
- DAF EAC Phase II
- Dakar
- Dakar ACE Workshop
- Data
- Data Collection Tools and Data Analysis
- Data Ethics Webinar
- Data Mapping Exercise
- Data nalysis
- Data Protection
- DATAD R - VIII workshop
- DATAD R Workshop
- DATAD Workshop
- de bourses d'études
- Deaf Blind Conference
- Deaf Blind International
- Dealing with 21st Century Challenges
- Dean-School of Medicine and Health Sciences
- Decolonization
- DELTAS PhD Fellowships
- Démarche qualité
- Demographics of African Faculty (DAF) Project
- Demographics of African Faculty Project
- Department of Science and Technology of South Africa
- Deputy Vice Chancellor Position
- develop Master of Business Administration (MBA) programs
- Development
- Development Agencies Supported Programmes
- Development Impact
- Diaspora African Forum
- Diaspora Conference
- Diaspora Connect
- Diaspora Fellowships
- Diaspora homecoming
- digital era
- Digital Financial Enterprise Resource Planning System
- Digital Grants Management System
- Digital Innovations
- Digital Strategy Development
- Digital Transformation
- Digital Transformation in African Higher and Tertiary Education
- Digital Transformation in Education
- Diplomacy
- Director of Research and Programmes at the AAU
- Directors of ICT
- Disaster Risk Management
- Disbursement Linked Indicators
- Disclaimer
- Djibouti
- Doctoral Education
- Donor Fund Management
- Dora Maribe-Moremi
- Dr. Danica Ramljak
- Dr. Ekwow Spio-Garbrah
- Dr. G. Koryoe Anim-Wright
- Dr. Rispa Achieng’ Odongo
- Dr. Stanford Mukasa
- Dr. Sylvia Mkandawire
- Dr. Violet Makuku
- Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum
- Dr. Yemi Akinbamijo
- e-learning
- E-learning Seminar
- e/merge Africa
- Earth Observation
- Eastern Africa
- EBSCOhost
- École national supérieure de statistique et d’économie appliquée
- ECONET Wireless
- EdTech
- Eduardo Mondlane University
- education
- Education Collaborative Virtual Conference 2020
- Education Collaborative Workshop
- Education Sub Saharan Africa
- educational technologies
- Educational Technology
- Educational Technology Advice Forum
- Egypt
- eHealth
- eifl
- eLearnAfrica
- eLearning
- eLearning Africa
- elearning solutions
- Elearning survey
- electronic database
- Email Address Internationalization
- Emergency Remote Teaching
- Encyclopaedia Africana
- End of year message
- Energy and Resource Recovery from Wastewater
- Engineering
- Enhancing Human Capital Webinar
- Enjeux et perspectives
- Entrepreneurial Universities
- Entrepreneurial Universities and Youth Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurs Competition
- Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship & Job Creation Skills
- Entrepreneurship and Small Enterprise Development
- EOIs
- Episode three
- Erasmus+
- ETH4D Doctoral Mentorship Programme
- Ethics
- Ethiopia
- Euro-Mediterranean University
- Europe and Africa Relations
- European Commission
- European Union
- Evaluate
- Evaluation et Apprentissage
- Executive Briefing by Microsoft
- Exhibitions
- Expression of Interest
- Expressions of Interest
- External Evaluation
- Facilitating Inclusive Classrooms
- Facilitating Online Discussions
- Faculty Developement
- Faculty Online Modular Training
- Fayzah M. Al-Kharafi Prize
- Felicia Nkrumah Kuagbedzi
- Fellowship
- Fellowship Opportunity
- Female Prime Minister
- Fiacre Muhimpundu
- Fifth African Higher Agricultural Education Week
- Finance
- Financial Management System
- Financial Management Workshop
- Financing higher education
- Fisheries Network
- Flood and Drought Modelling
- FMC Technologies
- Food Networks
- Food Safety
- Food Science
- Food Science and Technology
- Food Science Mentors
- Food Security
- Food Technology and Research
- Former AAU President
- Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa
- Fourah Bay College
- Francophone Members of AAU
- Fred Awaah
- Free advert for members
- French Development Agency
- French Tutor
- French Workshop
- Funding and financing
- funding for universities in Ghana
- Funding Scheme
- Gabon
- Gender Empowerment
- gender inclusiveness
- General Conference
- General conference 2017
- Germany Call for proposals
- Ghana
- Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Ghanaian Universities
- Girls and Women Education
- Global Institute of Planning and Sustainable Development
- Global Quality Assurance Association
- Global Science Communities
- Golden Jubilee Celebration
- Good Assessment Practices in Higher Education
- Good Assessment Practices in Higher Education: Improving Teaching and Learning.
- Gouvernance universitaire
- Governance of Universities
- Governing Board Meeting
- Governing Board Nominations
- Graduate Internship
- Graduate Internship Training Programme
- Graduate Internships
- Graduate Training Programme
- Graduates
- Grant
- Grant Writing
- Grant Writing workshop
- Grants
- Great Zimbabwe University
- Greeting Cards
- gro-Processing and Food Networks
- Guinea Stepping Up Skills Project
- Hakeem Ajonbadi
- HAQAA Initiative
- HAQAA2 Initiative
- Harmonisation de l'assurance qualité et de l'accréditation en Afrique
- harmonisation of higher education programmes
- HE Data
- Health
- HEFAALA Symposium
- High level meeting in Africa's higher education
- Higher Education
- Higher Education Centres of Excellence
- Higher Education Cluster
- Higher Education Conference
- Higher Education Excellence
- Higher education experts
- Higher Education in Africa
- Higher Education in Africa - Blueprint
- Higher education in East Africa
- Higher Education in Seirra Leone
- Higher Education in Sudan
- Higher education opportunities
- Higher Education Student Fair
- Highereducation
- Hiring
- His Excellency Adama Barrow
- Honourable Kojo Yankah
- Host Institution
- Houses
- HR Officers
- Human Resource Management
- ICT-Driven tools to facilitate teaching and learning
- ICT4Education
- ICTDirectors
- IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
- Igbesa
- Implications of the AfCFTA Agreement for HEIs in Africa
- Improving Student Enrolment
- in honour of late Prof. Magoha
- In-person Training Workshop
- Inclusivity
- Inculcating Entrepreneurial and Job Creation Skills
- Industry Liaison Officer
- Infectious Diseases Symposium
- Infectious Pathogens
- information
- innovation
- Innovations in Teaching and Learning
- Innovative and Quality Research
- innovative Education delivery approaches
- Institut International d'Ingénierie de l'Eau et de l'Environnement
- Institut National Polytechnique Houphouët Boigny
- Institut Pasteur de la Cote d’Ivoire
- Institute for the Advancement of Developing Economies
- Institute of Life and Earth Sciences
- Institutional differentiation
- Institutional Growth Workshop
- Institutional Repositories
- Institutional Repository
- Institutional Workshops
- Instituto Superior de Ciências e Educação á Distância (ISCED)
- Instituto Superior de Educação e Distância
- Intellectual Property Rights
- Inter-University Council for East Africa
- Internalization of Higher Education
- International Accreditation
- International Association of Universities (IAU)
- International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
- International Conference on Advanced Trends in ICT & Management
- International Council for Open and Distance Education
- International Development Association
- International Development Research Centre
- International Journal of African Higher Education
- International Network for Higher Education in Africa
- International Relations
- International Research Initiative Conference
- International Science Council
- International Women's Day
- International Women's Day Celebration
- International Women’s Day celebrations
- Internationalisation of higher education
- Internship
- Interregional Dialogue on Education
- Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme
- Invitation
- IR Training
- IRIC-2020
- Isaac Rotimi Ajayi
- Job Announcement by the Association of African Universities - Data Specialist (Officer) (P2 -P3)
- Job Announcement- Policy Specialist
- Job Vacancies
- Jobs
- Jobs Board
- Jobs in Higher Education
- Journal
- Journal Establishment Requirements
- Journal for the Advancement of Developing Economies
- Journal of Business and Professional Studies
- Journal Operational Dynamics
- journalism
- JRS Biodiversity Foundation
- Juma Shabani
- Justus-Liebig University
- Kenya
- Kenyatta University
- Knowledge Management
- Kofi Annan
- KOHA Training
- KOHA Workshop
- KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- Kumasi Technical University
- Kyambogo University
- L'Association des Universités Africaines (AUA)
- La semaine des Universités Africaines
- Lagos State University
- Latest News
- Laweh Open University College
- leaders
- Leadership
- Leadership Advancement Workshop
- Leadership Advancement Workshops
- Leadership Development Workshop
- Leadership Training
- LearnAfrica portal
- Learning Management
- Learning Management System
- Legal issues in HE
- Legal Issues in HEIs
- Legal Issues in Higher Education
- LegalIssues
- Lester B. Pearson Scholarship Program
- Liberia
- Library Management Software
- Lilongwe
- Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Liver and Kidney Transplant Programme
- Low- and Middle-Income Countries
- Lupane State University
- Lusaka
- MADEV Workshop
- MAGIC Project
- Malawi
- Management
- Management Development
- Management Development Workshop
- management of infodemics
- Management/Maintenance & Sustainability
- Mansoura Egypt
- Mansoura University
- Maputo
- Marine Resources
- Maseno University
- Master of Public Administration in the Post-Crisis Era
- MasterCard Foundation
- Material Science
- Mathematic and Applied Science
- Mauritius
- media
- Medical Programmes
- medical school
- Meeting for Researchers
- Mekelle University
- Member University Benefit - AAU
- Members in Good Standing
- Mental Health
- Message by AAU Secretary General - Open Access Week
- Microsoft Academic Licensing
- Minister of Higher Education of Ghana
- Ministerial/Steering Committee meeting
- Ministers for Education
- Ministry of Higher Education in Sudan
- Misr University for Science & Technology
- Moçambique
- Mogadishu
- Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P)
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop
- Moodle Training
- Morocco
- Mozambique
- Mr. Abdoulrahamame Diallo
- Mr. David Ampofo Nkrumah
- Mr. Osondu Joshua Onwuzuruigbo
- Mr. Solomon Faakye
- Mrs Adeline Addy
- Ms Heather Joseph
- Ms Jill Claassen
- Ms. Claudia Frittelli
- Ms. Maud Kouadio-IV
- MSc and PhD
- MSc and PhD Programmes
- MSc Programs
- Mukuba University
- Mukuba University VC Search
- Myths and Science of COVID-19
- Mzumbe University
- Nairobi
- Namibia
- Namibia National Council for Higher Education
- Namibia University of Science and Technology
- National Open University of Nigeria
- National Research Foundation of South Africa
- National Service Recruitment in Ghana
- National University of Science & Technology
- Neil Butcher & Associates (NBA)
- New AAU Governing Board Members
- New AAU Secretary General
- New Book Notification
- news
- Nigeria
- Nigerian Universities
- Njala University
- Njala University Online MBA
- Noel Kufaine
- Nordic Insight
- NORDUnet
- North Africa
- Notice to Host Side and Business Meetings
- November 9-13
- Now!
- Nsukka
- NYSC Presidential Awards
- OBREAL Global
- OBREAL Global Observatory
- Oceans
- Omaji leadership Solutions
- online discussion
- online education
- Online Education in Africa
- Online Learning Management
- Online MBA
- Online MBA in Africa
- Online Program Management
- Online Teaching
- online Teaching and Learning
- Online Volunteer Social Media Reporters
- Open Access
- Open Access Week
- Open and Distance Learning
- Open Call for Workshop Facilitators
- Open Science
- Open Source Integrated Library System
- Opportunities
- Opportunities for Higher Education Stakeholders
- organziation
- Pan African Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Pan African Heritage Museum
- Pan African Heritage World Conference
- Pan African Heritage World Museum
- Pan African Materials Institute
- Pan African Quality Assurance Framework
- Pan African University
- Pan African University Life and Earth Sciences
- Pan African Writers Association
- Part-time Academic Staff Position
- Partnership Requests
- Partnership/cooperation and internationalization
- Partnerships
- Partnerships and Collaboration
- PASET Benchmarking
- PASET Initiative
- PASET Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund
- Peace and Security
- peace education
- Peter Okebukola
- PhD
- PHD Collaboration
- PhD Fellowships
- PhD Programmes
- PhD Training
- Phytomedicine Research
- Plan S
- Plant Breeding
- Plasma University
- Pliagiarism
- Policy Analysis
- Population Reference Bureau
- Post Graduate Programmes
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship Announcement
- Post-Graduate Research Funding
- Postdoctoral Fellowships Call
- Pre-Call for Applications
- President of the Republic of The Gambia.
- Presidents and Rectors of Higher Education
- press
- Press Release
- PRICNAC Kick-off Meeting
- Private Higher Education
- Private Higher Education Conference
- Procurement
- Procurement and Contract Management
- Product
- Prof Etienne Ehouan Ehile
- Prof Goolam Mohamedbhai
- Prof Mamokgethi Phakeng
- Prof. (Mrs.) Rosemond Boohene
- Prof. Damtew Teferra
- Prof. Ernest AryeeteyProf. Ernest Aryeetey
- Prof. George Magoha
- Prof. Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang
- Prof. Komi Paalamwé TCHAKPELE
- Prof. Niklas Lavesson
- Prof. Olugbemiro Jegede
- Prof. Olusola Bandele Oyewole
- Prof. Olusola Oyewole
- Prof. Omojo Omaji
- Prof. Orlando Antonio Quilambo
- Prof. PAI Obanya
- Prof. Paul Ventura
- Prof. Rosemond Boohene
- Professor Amany Elsharif
- Professor Bakri Osman Saeed
- Professor Charles Ejike Chidume
- Professor Christine Dranzoa
- Professor Clement Dzidonu
- Professor Etienne E. Ehile
- Professor Frederick Ato Armah
- Professor Godfred A. Bokpin
- Professor John Aguiyi
- Professor Joseph Mutale
- Professor Mohamed El-Mahrasawy
- Professor Najla Bouden
- Professor Najla Romdhane
- Professor of Higher Education
- Professor Olusola Bandele Oyewole
- Professor Paul-Henri Amvam Zollo
- Professor Puleng LenkaBula
- Professor Saeed Bakri Osman
- Professor Wisdom Tettey
- Project Administrator
- Project Assistant
- project Coordinator
- Project Development
- Project Management Training
- Project Planning
- Promoting Entrepreneurship in African Universities
- Proposal Development
- Proposal Development Workshop
- Proposal Writing Training
- Protocol and Etiquette Workshop
- PSC meeting
- Public Health
- Public Lectures
- Public Policy Making
- Public Relations
- Public Speaking
- QA Leadership Event
- QAHEL Workshop
- QS Africa Forum
- Quality Assurance Agencies
- Quality Assurance Authority- Mauritius
- Quality Assurance in Higher and Tertiary Education
- Quality Assurance in Higher and Tertiary Education Campus Security
- Quality Assurance in Higher and Tertiary Education Digital Marketing
- Quality Assurance in Research and Project Proposals Grants Writing
- Quality Assurance Knowledge and Skills Workshop
- Quality Assurance Project Officer
- Quality Assurance Short Course On Basic University Teaching Skills
- Quality Assurance Symposium
- Quality Assurance Webinar
- Quality Assurance Workshop
- Quality Assurance Workshop in Zambia
- Quality Connect Institutional Evaluation Programme
- Quality Experts
- Quality Research Workshop
- Quebec Government Postdoctoral Training Scholarships
- Queen Mary College
- Ranking Universities
- Real Estate
- Regional Higher Education Data Hub
- Registrars
- report
- Reproducibility
- Reproductive health
- République de Guinée
- Request for Expression of Interest
- Request for expressions of interest: Consulting Services - Firms Selection
- Request for Proposals: Research Ethics
- RerBenin
- Research
- Research and Education Network
- Research and Innovations
- Research and Project Grants writing
- Research collaboration
- Research Commercialisation
- Research commoditisation
- Research Communication
- Research Communication and Commercialisation Workshop
- Research Conference
- Research Ethics
- Research Excellence
- Research in Africa
- research innovation
- Research Leadership
- Research Management Frameworks
- Research Management Project
- Research methods
- Research Methods Workshop
- Research Networks in Africa
- Research Proposal
- Research Proposal and Grant Writing
- Research Publications
- Research Visibility
- research workshop
- Research Workshop in Zambia
- Resource Mobilisation
- Resource Mobilisation Workshop
- Restitution
- Retooling Research
- returns
- Revenue Generation
- Revitalizing Research & Innovation
- Rhodes University
- Righting the Wrongs of Doing Business in Africa
- Roger Muhindo Binzaka
- Role of intellectual diaspora
- RUFORUM 5th Biennial Conference
- Rwanda
- Safety and Security in African Universities
- Salem University
- scholar exchange program
- Scholars at Risk
- Scholarship Opportunity
- Scholarship programme
- Scholarship projects for study in Canada
- Scholarships
- Scholarships and grants
- Scholarships for Africans
- Sci-GaIA
- Science Europe
- Science Granting Councils Initiative
- Science Journalism
- Sciences
- Scientific Writing
- SCOSS Launches Second Funding Cycle
- SDG Goal 4
- SDGs
- Secretary-General of United Nations
- Senegal
- Senegal Higher Education
- Senegal Research and Education Network
- Senegal Workshop
- Senior Program Manager
- SGCI Annual Forum 2022
- Sheikh Professor Ahmed El-Tayeb
- short courses
- Short Term Course on Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Skills
- Small and Medium Enterprises
- Small Grant for Theses and Dissertations
- Small Grants
- Small Grants for Theses and Dissertations
- SMEs
- Social Media
- Social Media for Universities
- Social Media Management
- Social Media Reporters
- Social Media Seminar
- Social Media Seminars
- socioeconomic
- Solicited and Unsolicited Proposals
- Solomon Faakye
- Somalia
- Southern Africa
- Southern Africa Nazarene University
- Space Science
- Specialized Technical Group of Science
- Sponsorship
- Sponsorship Available
- Sporting Events in Africa
- St Mary's University
- stability
- Staff Development
- Staff Development and Retention
- Staff Exchange
- Staff Recruitment
- Staff Retention
- Stakeholder Conference
- Stella Maris Polytechnic
- Stellenbosch University
- Strategic Intelligence for Leaders
- Strategic Plan 2024 - 2030
- Strategic Planning
- strategic thinking
- Strengthening Institutional Repositories
- strengthening knowledge and implementation of Research Ethics in the African context
- Strengthening Scientific Writing Skills for Publishing Research Outputs in Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Strengthening the Capacity of Africa’s Science Granting Councils in Research Management
- Student Innovation Research Awards
- Student Leadership Workshop
- Student Protests
- Student Research Awards
- Students
- Students from Africa
- Subsea Engineering
- Success Stories
- Successful applicants list
- Sudan
- Sudan Crisis
- Suivi
- Summit
- Summit on Doing Business Under the AfCFTA
- Sustainable Development
- Sustainable Energetics for Africa
- Sustainable Water Use
- Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
- t. Mary’s University
- Tanzania
- TCC Africa
- Teaching Online
- Teaching Skills
- Teaching Skills for Higher & Tertiary Education
- Technical writers
- Technology
- Technology and Education
- Technopolis Group
- Telemedicine
- Television station of the AAAU
- The African Academy of Sciences
- The African Quality Rating Mechanism
- The Association of African Universities
- The Conversation Africa
- The COVID-19 Diary
- the Disciplines and University
- The Entrepreneurial African University
- The Future of African Higher Education
- The Gambia
- The Guardian
- The Institute of African Studies (IAS)
- The laws guiding students and employee affairs
- The MasterCard Foundation
- The MasterCard Foundation Employment
- the New Normal in HEIs
- the Quality Assurance Specialist
- The Teaching of Modern Irrigation Engineering Techniques’
- The World Academy of Sciences
- Think Modular – Digital Solutions GmbH
- to host COREVIP
- Tracking AAU Member Benefits
- training
- Training by AAU
- training for Communications Officers
- Training for Librarians and IT Support Staff
- Training for Managers
- Training for Project Managers
- Training in Namibia
- transformation
- Transparency
- Tribute
- Tshwane University of Technology (TUT)
- Tuning Africa II
- Tuning Africa Symposium
- Tunisia
- types of Academic Writing
- UA
- UbuntuNet Alliance
- Uganda
- Uganda Bhets
- Uganda Martyrs University
- Uganda Research Workshop
- UK African Research Leader Scheme
- UK Foreign Commonwealth Development Office
- UM6P
- Understanding the Genome of SARS-CoV-2
- UNESCO representative to Ghana
- UNISA’s first female Vice Chancellor
- United Nations
- United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI)
- United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on Africa (OSAA)
- Universal Acceptance
- Universite Cheikh Anta Diop
- Université de Maroua
- Université de Ngaoundèré
- Université de Yaounde II
- Université Félix Houphouët Boigny
- Université Marien Ngouabi
- Université Omar Bongo
- University
- University Administrators
- University Advancement
- University Advancement Workshop
- University Industry Linkages
- University Industry Partnerships
- University Internationalization
- University of Abuja
- University of Bergen
- University of Cape Coast
- University of Cape Town
- University of Dar es Salaam
- University of Ghana
- University of Ibadan
- University of Jos
- University of Khartoum
- University of Lagos
- University of London
- University of Lusaka
- University of Malawi
- University of Management & Technology (Sierra Leone)
- University of Mauritius
- University of Namibia
- University of Nigeria
- University of Nottingham
- University of Port Harcourt
- University of Pretoria
- University of Professional Studies
- University of Professional Studies Accra
- University of Rwanda
- University of Sierra Leone
- University of Stellenbosch
- University of Swaziland
- University of The Gambia
- University of the Western Cape
- University of Toronto
- University of Turku
- university vacancies
- University-Industrial Linkages
- University-Industry Linkages Workshop Series
- UNZA Vacancies
- Upcoming Events
- Updates from AAU
- UR Workshops
- USAID West Africa
- Use of the Bloom’s Taxonomy
- Vacancies
- Vacancies in Academia
- Vacancies in Universities
- Vacancy
- Vacancy for Pro-VC
- Vacancy Notice - Post of Executive Director
- Vacancy Notices from the network
- VCs Meeting
- Vice Chancellor of Muni University
- Vice Chancellor Position
- Vice Chancellor Vacancy - University of The Gambia
- Vice Chancellors
- Vice Chancellors and Presidents of African Universities
- Vice-Chancellors & Presidents of African Universities
- Video Editor
- Virtual Institutional Quality Assurance (QA) Workshop
- Virtual Workshop
- VolkswagenStiftung
- war against Ukraine
- Warwick Employment Group
- Washington DC
- Webinar
- website re-design
- Wellcome Trust
- West Africa Biodiversity and Climate Change Programme
- West African Centre for Crop Improvement
- West and Central Africa Food Research
- WGHE Webinars
- WIL Conference
- Wiley
- Wisconsin International University College
- WoHE 2019
- WoLPHE 2019
- Women in Education
- Women in Higher Education
- Women in Higher Education Network
- Women in Science
- Women in STEM
- Women's Conference
- Women's University in Africa
- Working Group on Higher Education
- Working in ICT Driven Higher & Tertiary Education Spaces
- Workshop for faculty
- Workshop for HE
- Workshop for IT personnels
- Workshop for Librarians
- Workshop for Registrars and Administrators
- Workshop for University Registrars and Administrators
- Workshop in Marketing & Digital Marketing for Tertiary Institutions
- Workshop in Seychelles Island
- Workshop in Zambia
- Workshop on Best Practices in the Management of Higher and Tertiary Education Funded Projects
- Workshop on Online Teaching
- Workshop on Procurement and Contract Management
- Workshop on quality and Innovative Research
- Workshop on Quality Assurance in Journal Establishment
- Workshop on Research
- Workshop on Strategic Foresight
- Workshop Report
- Workshop Series on Journalism and Media Studies
- Workshops
- Workshops in Botswana
- Workshops in Egypt
- Workshops in Ghana and Rwanda
- Workshops in Kenya
- Workshops in Mauritius
- Workshops in Rwanda
- World Bank
- World Bank Education
- World Conference
- World Conference on Education and Restitution
- World Innovation Summit for Education
- Writing
- Writing Workshop
- Youth and Water Security in Africa
- Youth Summit
- Zambia
- Zanzibar
- Zimbabwe Open University